How did you choose a goal weight?



  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I chose my goal weight of 130, since that's what I weighed when I first got married 19 years ago.

    I got married 9 months ago and today I hit my wedding weight!

    What a stupid thing to do gain weight straight after getting married - I'm still so angry at myself. But at least I am really on the path to getting back my early twenties body this time (thanks MFP!)
  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    My profile pic is me at my goal weight. I remembered how I looked and felt at a certain weight and picked that.
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    I chose 125 because it is middle of the road for my range. I can remember weighing 112 (I just won't tell you how many years ago that was - LOL) and I was too skinny. I can remember feeling all of the bones in my back and being able to see my ribs & hip bones. Once I get close to the 125 mark then I'll re-evaluate it and see if I want to stop there or continue. I don't think it's always about the "number" but the "how you feel, do you have energy, do you look healthy"? Isn't that more important?
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    At 241 pounds I wanted to pick something that put me into a healthy BMI

    141 pounds is just about in the middle of Healthy BMI for my height. It would also be 100 pounds. That's why I picked that for a goal weight.

    I also had some non scale goals.

    Size 34 pants (currently 32)
    Medium Shirts (yup)
    Not having stairs kick my *kitten* (I can currently run 5 miles or so at a clip and I will be training up to a half marathon for the fall)
    Not die during the warrior dash (still here)

    These last few pounds are coming off very slowly. I wanted to be at my goal by this time last week, but that was a date I picked 15 months ago and really, if I make my goal by memorial day, that's good enough for me.

    My buddy Alex wants me to lose 120.5 pounds total so I'm half the Al I used to be. While that is at the LOW end of healthy weight I have no intention.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Just try losing another 10 pounds and gaining some muscle. See how you feel then. You don't know until you're either close or there.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I have never been at a happy weight in my adult life. So my initial goal was a normal BMI. I'm 0.4 pounds from that but have plenty of fat left to lose. (I keep reminding myself that BMI charts are not gender specific, so it would make sense that a man would be more comfortable at the high end than me) once I get to my initial goal, I'm going with 10 pound increments until I find the right weight. I am thinking it's somewhere around 160 give or take which is in the middle of the normal BMI range for me.
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    I know how I feel and look at my goal weight - I like myself between 160-170.
  • Thanks for all your stories and suggestions. I know that while I may technically have a healthy BMI now, I don't feel like this is the right weight for me. There's still too much fat, lol! I will continue doing my HIIT cardio and strength training, eating clean, and just see where it takes me. I totally have the "mummy tummy" after my baby, so that will be a work in progress... until I get pregnant again sometime this year and have to start all over! Oh well.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    It's funny that you posted this and said what you did. I'm a little under 15 lbs from my goal and I know what my lean body mass is so I set my goal to about 20% body fat. I thought that I would look much leaner only 15 lbs from goal. I have some places that have very little fat (my abdomen and back) and some places that still have much more than I thought I would (upper thighs, butt, and upper arms). I'm trying to figure out if 15 lbs will actually get me to the look I want. It doesn't feel like it will but I don't really want to go under 20% body fat either (and my lean body mass is relatively high though I'm going to start using freeweights again which might increase my lean body mass by a bit, I've been strength training for a long time and only recently have been using machines instead of free weights so I'm not sure how switching back will affect my muscle mass).

    I'm not going to adjust my goals right now because I'm not sure how much the 15 pounds will actually do (I just cannot decide) and don't want to shoot for an unhealthy body fat level.

    I'm 5'7'' and 164 right now. Goal weight is at 150 top end of BMI is 159 and my lean body mass is around 124-126.