Quad pain

Hi. I have been exercising fairly regularly for 2 years or so...mostly gym work, cardio and some light weights. In February I started jillian michaels 30 day shred. I completely the shred with no issues at all. I started the jillian michaels ripped in 30 yesterday. I do all the warm ups etc but today, after I completed my workout I started having pain in my quads. Not sore muscle pain, but sharp pain when I stand or sit. Otherwise they don't hurt. Not when I'm walking or sitting...only when I move to stand or sit! Any thoughts? I really don't want to discontinue my exercise, but also don't want to make it worse.


  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    Have you tried ice and rest? If it's a quad muscle pull, sprain, or micro tears, then it might just need the RICE treatment (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation).

    Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but the quad muscles are primarily involved when squatting (standing up, sitting down). So you wouldn't probably notice any quad pain if you're walking or sitting. This has the feel of a bad sprain with some inflammation. But I'm not a doctor, and if it doesn't subside after a couple days of rest and ice, then you may want to get it x-rayed.

    Hope you have a speedy recovery!
  • cindylmanly
    cindylmanly Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for the reply Chris. I don't do well with rest. Ugh. Tink I can continue to workout if I avoid moves that involve quads? I'm just not sure why suddenly the quad pain. I am doing nothing new. Same ol stuff. Warming up and all. Oh well. I haven't tried anything yet...just happened today so I will do the ice, compression, elevation tonight and see whats tomorrow. I guess tomorrow is AB day! So much for my 30 day challenge. Sigh......
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    Two days of rest, is what I would say. Then, if you feel compelled to work out, then you may want to go less weight/less sets, and really pay attention to form/technique, until the symptoms subside. And maybe ice those quads after every workout (even when they've been only minimally involved)?
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Two days of rest, is what I would say. Then, if you feel compelled to work out, then you may want to go less weight/less sets, and really pay attention to form/technique, until the symptoms subside. And maybe ice those quads after every workout (even when they've been only minimally involved)?

    Sounds like you have torn a muscle, might only be a slight tear but be careful and rest cause if it turns into a bigger tear you could be out for much longer. Do use Ice and rest. Also check your technique maybe pull back on the amount of weight you are lifting for a couple of workouts aswell.

    Of course if the pain is still there after a couple of days youshould seek professional advice :)
  • cindylmanly
    cindylmanly Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks to all who responded. Weight really shouldn't be the issue. I am doing the jillian michaels ripped in 30 vid ... I just finished her shred video and its pretty similar in most of the moves and the weights I'm using are only 5#. Same as I used on shred. Maybe her warmup wasn't enough for my quads. My legs are usually my strongest point but for whatever reason they have failed me today. I just really healed up from a TFL strain...I think it was the side to side lunges that pushed me over the edge bc they were uncomfortable today. I really barely did them bc of that. Quads are feeling a little better this evening but I guess I will give them a rest for a couple of days Think its ok if I do some quad stretches for a few days just to stretch them a little or no? Can I get away with doing exercise that don't irritate the quads?

    Thanks for all your help!
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    When I ripped my calve muscle I wasnt allowed to stretch for a week had to ice it and complete rest. but that was a severe tear. I would stretch holding it for 10 seconds and do this twice over. See how you feel in a day or two.

    Sorry, couldnt remember how you pulled your quad. Was it squatting? Be mindful of how low you squat after an injury it might flare up again.