Anyone hit a plateau? ;/



  • Rosytakesoff
    I hit many plateaus on my way down from my peak weight of nearly 400 lbs to my now steady-state weight of 185 lbs. Plateaus can be very frustrating. Some of mine dragged on for weeks, especially as I got lower and lower in weight. Plateaus seem to be periods where the body is trying to adjust the available mass. I found it helped to not be such a slave to the scale as the only means of telling I was losing. It was often during long plateaus that I would notice my clothes would suddenly start to feel looser. So pay attention to how your clothes feel. You may be surprised to find you can fit into a size smaller than you wore just a couple weeks ago.

    THIS 100%
  • blueyegirl0712
    blueyegirl0712 Posts: 135 Member
    i think i am living the world record of weight loss plateau!!! i lost 15 lbs at a healthy and consistent pace then stopped 100%. it has been about 6 months and i have been fluctuating back and forth 2lbs up and down. I only have 10 more lbs to go so i am moving to less cardio and more weights to see if that helps. i have tried everything on the food side, upping calories, lowering calories, decreasing sugar, salt... etc. and no changes. one thing many people suggested was changing up my workout cause my body had gotten used to it, so i have started the jillian michaels workout videos.

    current plan: no white carbs for a month, no alcohol during the week, no dessert during the week and i am half way through jillian michaels 30 day shred... this better work!!

    soo frustrating

    I have the same problem with the 2lbs going back and forth. I think I am going to see how this week goes then maybe next week increase my calories.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Spent 2 month gaining and losing the same 3 pounds. I did Advocare in January and started Jillians' Body Revolution in February. As soon as I went to phase 2 of JMBR I started to break my plateau. I ate a little bit more and the more intense workouts helped.
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    I have hit those dreaded plateaus as well! I went to the nutritionist at my gym and she proceeded to tell me to up my calories every third day by about 800 calories. So far that has proven to be good advice! It is worth a try. Also, try and mix up your workouts!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    What are your macros set at? If your carbs are running high it could be the reason? I find my beat weight losses are at 30-35% carbs. Maybe try 35% carbs, 35% fat and 30% protein.

    Home, goals, change goals, manual...

    Hope that helps!

  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    I feel your pain. I've been busting my butt 6 days a week for the last 3 months and have lost only 1 pound. I've been getting suggestions to have a high calorie day, just go over calories by 300-500 calories to give your metabolism a little kick. Hopefully it works!

    I've only got 20 pounds to lose as well, I think the last few pounds are always pretty stubborn.
  • nyla23608
    nyla23608 Posts: 66 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. Ugh, I've had two plateaus but this one is the longest ever! It's been almost 3 months. I increased/changed my workout and have started lifting and running. I've gained 5 lbs since I started lifting in January. I really hope changing my routine and food choices makes a difference. It's only been two weeks since I started running so it's a bit early. Remain positive, be patient, and don't give up :)
  • tooliebell
    tooliebell Posts: 177 Member
    I'm on the plateau as well. After losing 85 pounds total, 65 since on MFP, I have stayed the same weight for about a month now. I would still like to lose another 15-25 pounds.

    I haven't changed my eating too much, increased my calories to 1400 a couple weeks ago. Waiting to see how that goes. Also hoping when spring finally decides to arrive and I can get back out on the road to do my walking and running, I will see myself through this plateau. Bums me out, I was on course to meet my goal weight by the end of this month. I have stayed strong through it though, and posts like this really help.

    I read someone else say even though they stayed the same weight their clothes fit different and that is true for me too. I bought the next size smaller jeans and my weight hasn't changed. I think my body is taking some time to adjust to what I have done and shape itself a bit differently. (least that's what I'm hoping!!)

    Good luck to us all.
  • rach503
    rach503 Posts: 86 Member
    I definitely did! The only thing that broke it was upping my calories. It seemed so counterintuitive, but it worked within a day or two and I dropped 3 - 4 pounds almost right away. Good luck!
  • blueyegirl0712
    blueyegirl0712 Posts: 135 Member
    Perhaps you need to adjust the amount of calories you're eating as well as change up your workouts. When my weight loss has been stalled, I've increased my calories (by 100-200) and then the weight started coming off. (I started at 1200 calories per day, then went up to I'm at 1500).

    Does 1500 include the extra calories from working out?
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I've been stuck for about 3 months. For the last two weeks I ate at maintenance and dropped back to a deficit this week. Weigh in is tomorrow so I guess I will see if it helped in the morning. I'm hoping it did!