Another good reason to exercise

Hi all,

I think we all know that exercise is important for lots of reasons, but I wanted to share another one we don't hear about too often.

I had a nasty fall on Friday. Tripped over the fire ring in our backyard, fell into it and messed myself up pretty badly. Thought I broke my leg. Luckily nothing is broken, but I scraped off a lot of skin on my right shin and it is bruised three quarters of the way around. I also have a dark bruise on my abdomen.

But here's the cool part: I did this Friday night, and noticed Tuesday afternoon that my bruises are already starting to yellow and shrink. The swelling is going down extremely quickly too. In the past I have had problems with taking forever to heal. I credit my quick recovery, at least in part, to regular exercise. I think the increased blood flow is encouraging my body to heal faster than it did when I was sedentary.

Anybody else noticed that they heal faster when they work out vs. when they don't?


  • doiwe
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    I've noticed I get over being sick way faster. I still catch the same number of colds (two kids and a husband who's a teacher, I swear, they bring home everything like they're building a virus zoo) but they only last 2-3 days instead of 7-14.

    Wish I healed faster, that's awesome. Stupid ankle, WALK BETTER.
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    I certainly don't get sick very often anymore and I work with all small children so I live in a germ factory and hardly even get a cold.