My Official Introduction

Hey! I'm going to attempt this getting healthy once more. Looking for some motivation, so if you on on here consistantly please add me!!! I'd super appreciate it.

A little about me: I'm 30. Single mother to a 10 year old girl. Work full time in an office job. Not a lot of walking at all. I utilize the Striiv app to keep me moving at work.

Motivation is the only thing that keeps knocking me down. I have all kinds of knowledge about how to get fit and healthy... but my motivation keeps sneaking out the window. UGH!

Anyway... *waves* hello all!!! Lets motivate each other and get this thing in gear!!! lol


  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    welcome! I COMPLETELY understand about the motivation being the only bad factor.... unfortunately, lack of it is the worst factor you can face!!

    feel free to message and keep in touch anytime you need a swift kick in the bottom! :)
  • mfrey2012
    mfrey2012 Posts: 52 Member
    Hey!! I use the Stiiv Pedometer!! - So cool isnt it?? We can so do this!! - I will add you :)
  • denden530
    denden530 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey!! I use the Stiiv Pedometer!! - So cool isnt it?? We can so do this!! - I will add you :)

    I dont have the pedo, but I do have the app. I have been using it alot lately. And since my phone is my lifeline (LOL), it helps me to get moving!! lol.

    Thanks for the add!!
  • youareorange
    youareorange Posts: 74 Member
    Friend request sent! I will do my best at motivating :)
  • kmmpink
    kmmpink Posts: 63 Member
    Feel Free to add me, I'm on everyday and log everything. It sounds like you need determination, not motivation. Motivation is only temporary! :)
  • mcginger1
    mcginger1 Posts: 128 Member
    30's? - check
    office job - check
    questionable motivation - check

    Add away!! :)
  • denden530
    denden530 Posts: 19 Member
    Feel Free to add me, I'm on everyday and log everything. It sounds like you need determination, not motivation. Motivation is only temporary! :)

    Maybe that is the part Im missing! Hmmm...
  • rustyvicinie
    rustyvicinie Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome aboard and let's do this. Good luck and let's keep each other on the wagon! Feel free to add me as friend
  • jkazadi
    jkazadi Posts: 20 Member
  • Hey
    Any one can add me, love supporting and encouraging people :smile:
  • I'm a 31, single mom of an 8 year old, desk job, horrible back..etc... I also need determination!!! I get excited about it and do ok for a few weeks then slack. I mainly get tired of eating the same foods over and over and I end up cheating. I need to learn how to prepare healthier meals with flavor that are filling. Add me if you would like! I just started this on Monday and need some friends as well :happy:
  • I'm a 31, single mom of an 8 year old, desk job, horrible back..etc... I also need determination!!! I get excited about it and do ok for a few weeks then slack. I mainly get tired of eating the same foods over and over and I end up cheating. I need to learn how to prepare healthier meals with flavor that are filling. Add me if you would like! I just started this on Monday and need some friends as well :happy:
  • denden530
    denden530 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for all the adds and feedback! I'm excited to log my food now and have some support!! :)