Jillian Michael's 90 day body revolution



  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I am on week 6. All you need is a few sets of weight. I am using 3lbs, 5lbs. and 8 lbs. I am set to finish the week before Thanksgiving and plan on doing another round after the New Year with heavier weights.
  • codetrance
    codetrance Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Trawji,

    That's right- resistance bands (that come with it), and varying dumbells (I use a pair of light ones for cardio moves, and have a set of adjustable dumbbells for weight moves).

    I just started (day 7)- feel free to add me if you take it up-

  • trawji
    trawji Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Roger!! That helps a lot.

    I am very interested in starting up with this, but am a little concerned about the meal plan.

    Would anyone be able to scan the meal plan (not all the recipes and such), so that I can take a look at it, and see if seems doable??

    Thanks all,
  • anamiriam
    anamiriam Posts: 7
    I am starting week 11 of the 90 day revolution. Thus far happy with results, I haven't lost but 5 lbs but I've lost 8.5 inches in my torso. Problem is that I really haven't seen any changes since week 6. My weight is holding steady and my measurements are the same. Has anyone else seen the same results???