Strength training or Cardio for weightloss?

I know there have been posts about this before but I was wondering which is the more effective way to lose inches? Last week I did 4 days of a full body work out (because I am a beginner) and before 2 of those workouts I ran a mile and a half just to get some cardio in. I've read a lot of different articles about it and they all say different things. I'm also wondering what has worked for you guys. Any advice? Thanks! :]


  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    I think there are a lot of ways to get "there", and you will get every opinion here. Personally, I truly believe the best exercise is the one you will do, and do regularly.

    at the end of the day, its about caloric intake. It doesn't matter what exercise you do, you will burn calories. Some exercises will burn more calories per period of time than others.

    In the exercise, focus should be on heart rate. This article does a good job of explaining how to determine your max heart rate, and the target %'s

    You have to consider your overall goals. If you look at some of the gals here, their trim fit bodies with great muscle definition, and think "I want to look like that" (which, by the way, as a guy, I fully support), then you should be incorporating some form of strength training. Some will insist weight lifting is the only way to do this, but reality is it can come from body weight workouts as well.

    If you aren't interested in anything but losing the lbs, then all you need to do is eat at a deficit and pick any exercise you like that gets your heart rate into the target zone.
  • cortneysmissionpossible
    I definitely want the muscle definition. So I'll continue what I am doing but maybe one full session dedicated to cardio. Thank you.
  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    This is not an either or question. The best, fastest and most healthy way to get lean and ripped is to do both!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Did both strength training is my favorite by far.

    Cardio when eating to much and to lazy to create a deficit or craving gigantic fat filled foods.

    Strength training to look firmer and feel better and stronger.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I definitely want the muscle definition. So I'll continue what I am doing but maybe one full session dedicated to cardio. Thank you.

    I do 2 of each per week with some cross over as one of my cardio sessions is metabolic weight complexes.

    2 days weight training, 3x8. Day 1, squats, cleans, ohp, rows. Day 2, squats, bench, deadlifts. A few accesories thrown in.

    Cardio days, Day 1, HIIT and ab work. Day 2, 25 or 30 minute run followed by metabolic weight training complexes. (this day is an *kitten* kicker!)

    Weight training days are Monday and Thursday. Cardio days are Wednesday and Saturday.
  • DostThouEven

    If you want a nice body at the end, lifting.

    If you want to increase your cardiovascular endurance, cardio.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I definitely want the muscle definition. So I'll continue what I am doing but maybe one full session dedicated to cardio. Thank you.

    I do 2 of each per week with some cross over as one of my cardio sessions is metabolic weight complexes.

    2 days weight training, 3x8. Day 1, squats, cleans, ohp, rows. Day 2, squats, bench, deadlifts. A few accesories thrown in.

    Cardio days, Day 1, HIIT and ab work. Day 2, 25 or 30 minute run followed by metabolic weight training complexes. (this day is an *kitten* kicker!)

    Weight training days are Monday and Thursday. Cardio days are Wednesday and Saturday.
    Look at you, you got it all! :smile:
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I believe there are benefits to both. However, just for weightloss, that is going to be about caloric intake.

    If you like doing both cardio and strength training, I would not do a long cardio session, if any, before your strength training. Reverse that and lift first then run. Or, do them on different days.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I definitely want the muscle definition. So I'll continue what I am doing but maybe one full session dedicated to cardio. Thank you.

    I do 2 of each per week with some cross over as one of my cardio sessions is metabolic weight complexes.

    2 days weight training, 3x8. Day 1, squats, cleans, ohp, rows. Day 2, squats, bench, deadlifts. A few accesories thrown in.

    Cardio days, Day 1, HIIT and ab work. Day 2, 25 or 30 minute run followed by metabolic weight training complexes. (this day is an *kitten* kicker!)

    Weight training days are Monday and Thursday. Cardio days are Wednesday and Saturday.
    Look at you, you got it all! :smile:

    Yeah, I'm kind of a hog like that! :tongue:
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    I would say both! with no more than 3 weight training sessions. You need at least one complete day of rest also!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    2 a days are fun.

    Lifting in the morning and cardio at night.
  • Suzmp85
    Suzmp85 Posts: 184 Member
    Currently, I do strength/weights at least twice a week, and cardio 5x's a week, including one day of complete rest. It's up to you and what your weight loss needs are. I need to focus on cardio more to get the pudge off lol
  • stewartcarden
    when im losing fat
    i do high intensity cardio and high intensity weights

    by high intensity weights i mean il do circuits of them so it feels like a cardio workout ... basically no rest periods between sets

    15 reps of overhead press
    15 reps of bent over row
    15 reps squat jumps
    15 reps hammer curls
    and repeat 3 times
    including a fast run or a good rowing workout (:

    mix it up though .
    works for me
    might not for you
  • norrisski
    norrisski Posts: 1,217 Member
    I do both. Cardio 7 days a week and strength training 4-5 days a week. Working on toning the new body. Also log my food and keep calories in range.
    Good luck.
  • mfortune9
    Right on the money!

    As you build lean muscle mass your body will burn more energy. My understanding is that you need both cardio and muscle building, but the most important item is proper nutrition. Raising the protein, lowering the carbs and fat intake, and using myfitnesspal logging every meal so that you can see if your are going to bust your goal or you need to increase something to make your daily goal.

  • cortneysmissionpossible
    Wow, thanks for all the replies and advice!