Cardio on local staircase

CreativeFedora Posts: 32
edited 10:42AM in Fitness and Exercise
So after completing a 16 week clean bulk program to gain muscle mass I'll be starting up a 12 week cardio session to burn off the fat I added during my bulk.

My cardio will take place on a 90 step section of the local staircase in the community I live in; 3 times a week and 60 flights up (120 total if you count going down). I have three different routines for each day of the work out. Since the staircase is divided into 4 sections it's easy to craft a program.

Last year I did a 2 month session on the stairs and stomach fat vanished and I started to see a bit more definition. Now with a better understanding of nutrition and 12 whole weeks I'm looking forward to the results.

Here's a pic of the stairs.

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