Super frustrated

Ever since I started birth control pills, my appetite has shot through the roof and my weight gain has gotten out of hand. I had been on a good track, coming within 4 pounds of my goal weight. And then in the course of two months, I gained 12 pounds and feel horrible.

There's not really anyone else to blame except myself; I shirked my exercise, ate really poorly, and vegetated on the couch a little too much. I just feel really discouraged, and trying to get back on track becomes harder and harder the more I see the pounds piling on...



  • Lieann22
    Lieann22 Posts: 67 Member
    writing it down helps.

    Just try and stay focused... write down why your doing it and if you feel yourself sliding look at the list and do something like going for a walk.

    Best of luck.
  • I know it sometimes feel like "Why should I bother to exercise" but keep pushing yourself. It's easy to not do the excercise and then beat yourself up about it, or at least I do. You won't regret it. The one thing about excercise that I always love is it always feels good when I'm done.

  • mlauraa
    mlauraa Posts: 166 Member
    Start now before you start to gain more weight

    I say from experience, i weighed 130 pounds and my highest weight was 200

    i am now down to 184 and counting down...START NOW!
  • amandacillin
    amandacillin Posts: 39 Member
    I feel your pain.... Working my butt off for 3 months and measuring today to find out I only lost 6 inches overall :/ BUT I WONT GIVE UP!