Binging / Binge Triggers

So I have a massive problem with binging, whenever I'm in the slightest bad mood I always tell myself to have a small treat, this is usually a small bag of sweets, the fun size portions you buy in big bags of chocolate. I always tell myself that I can have one or two pieces from the bag as a sort of pick me up for when I don't feel too great. The problem is it seems that no matter what I do and tell myself this acts as a trigger to me, once I've had what I've told myself I can have I tell myself that one more can't hurt, then another and another.

It doesn't stop there, it goes on and on until I have to shout at myself to stop, but my mind is still telling me to go for more and if for example I have been feasting away on chocolate I somehow tell myself that if I don't have chocolate it will be fine so I will go out my way to find sweets like skittles, haribo and similar sugar based foods. I'll also go crazy on foods like bread, pizza and all sorts! Pretty much anything that's bad and I can get my hands on and it's usually in my hands ready to be eaten.

My problem is that every time this happens my thoughts before are always along the lines of "oh, this time you'll just have the treat" but that's never the case and I literally cannot help myself and each time it happens once I get to the point of feeling sick or my stomach starts killing me I instantly regret it but it's too late at that point. The problem being while I'm eating I feel so good and my mood is raised so much, I know this is from the sugar and all but it doesn't stop me from feeling good.

I'd just like some advice or help on what to do, if you have the same problem what methods have you tried that have worked to stop yourself from binging or is anyone in a similar situation and not know what to do? It would be really good to hear from someone because this is a problem I deal with these binges on a semi regular basis and I just want them to stop, I want junk food to stop being such a trigger, or my wanting for them to suffice. Any help or advice would be much appreciated!


  • And just to add, it has gone to the point in especially bad binges that I have driven to the store and gone crazy in the chocolate aisles, buying anything and everything I can see, then I will sit in my car and eat and eat and eat. It's horrible and I do hate myself for it at times!
  • Pinkgurl13
    Pinkgurl13 Posts: 47 Member
    There are people who say that certain foods trigger their binge eating. Maybe staying away from the chocolate all together until you can get your binging under control. It also sounds like a food addiction that you need to get help for. It is a real eating disorder. Good luck :)
  • hausisse
    hausisse Posts: 90
    Having dealt with the *opposite* kind of eating disorder, I can honestly say that when it gets really bad it's very wise to talk to a nutritionist or a counselor. :x
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    The only thing that calms that carb monster in me is to avoid it all together. It is painful at the beginning but after a few weeks the cravings are not as bad. Google Primal Blueprint. It isn't about low carb it is about getting your carbs from vegetables. Potatoes, grains, and sweet fruits do the same thing to me as sugar. When I eat them I want to eat everything in the world! When I avoid them I have more peace. Good luck.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Find something else to do when you're in a bad mood. I draw a picture, or shop for skimpy lingerie, which I'm obsessively nitpicky about, so it doesn't usually result in actual expenditure of money. But sometimes I find something perfect, and then I get rewarded for not eating.
  • Hi David!
    I too have binging issues. I am forcing myself to drink water when craving sweets or junk. I'm like you I can't stop at just one I eat it ALL. I bought fat free pudding and put it in the freezer. last night I ate it like it was an ice cream treat followed by 2 large glasses of water and I was ok. I felt satisfied after the water was in me.
    Maybe try that and see if it helps.

    For me binge eating is a luxury. As a kid we didn't have money for sweets or crap. The only crap we ever ate was 100% beef hot dogs. My parents never bought particle board or franken foods. We ate really clean. snacks for us were raisins & peanuts or an apple with peanut butter. That was our junk food. I was in my 20's the first time I tried bologna and pasta in a can. Once I moved out I ate clean for a long time then I started buying crap ... gawd I love crap! Chips and Chocolate are my biggest vices. I'm trying to stop binging but to be honest its a bit like weening yourself off a serious drug. Very hard.

    Water Water and more water
  • luvmynook
    luvmynook Posts: 61 Member
    For me, not keeping the trigger foods in the house has helped! Literally, I can't stop once I start eating I just avoid it all together?? I also quickly brush and floss my teeth so I can't eat...............then I find something else to occupy my mind (walk, book, television, phone call)
  • LoveAlwaysAlisa
    LoveAlwaysAlisa Posts: 111 Member
    Binge triggers for me are being up late and when I'm really happy about something! I don't have certain foods I don't's more of how I'm feeling at the time. Late night my willpower and common sense thinking isn't the best so I distract myself with as much as possible ( a book, a game, a movie, beauty maintenance) until I get sleepy.
    I have gone on some BAD BINGES before though....Usually i'll go to a fast food place like McDonalds or Taco Bell and order like 10 things off the value menu and eat it ALL. It still happens from time to time but it's getting less frequent. Usually if I binge it's on a bad of chips or box of cookies I already have at the house..
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Find a lower calorie alternative that doesn't trigger you as much. For instance, I have 120 calorie cereal with skim milk, for the chocolate I put on a couple table spoons of cocoa powder and some truvia to sweeten. Tastes like pure heaven, but doesn't trigger me or break the calorie bank.
  • mammakat0830
    mammakat0830 Posts: 117 Member

    My suggestion is to not allow the first treat to begin with. You have to remove the association of bad feelings being tied to food, otherwise the justification to eat will be there whenever you feel poorly. It is very hard to manage sometimes, I know. It is important you replace the bad behavior with a good one. For example, I used to tell my clients, instead if rewarding the bad feelings, drink water, walk, read, find another distraction or coping method, maybe journaling.

    The binging increases becasue we sabotage ourselves once we start and excuse the continued sabotage mentally. Knowing the best way to manage these feelings doesnt always make it easy to do the right thing. Hope it gets better. It seems that you have been doing well based on your weight loss ticker- dont lose motivation, great job!!
  • volleygirl1980
    volleygirl1980 Posts: 121 Member
    I realized that I binged when I was either hungry or thirsty...I haven't binged since December 31st, and I think it's because I'm drinking a lot more water and eating filling meals. If I do want a treat, I make sure to assess first whether a glass of water or healthy food will curb the craving..
  • Don't buy food you'll binge on! But you if LOVE chocolate, don't deprive yourself...

    I love love love ice cream!!! So I buy myself a a box of skinny cow ice cream sandwiches. (Only 140 calories for the Snickerdoodle ones I bought last.) There is only 6 in a box so I know if I eat them all, I won't have anymore left during the week. I also eat it insanely slowly. Nibbling excess cookie, then licking ice cream, then back to nibbling cookie... It takes me like 30 minutes to eat it. I make sure I enjoy it!

    If you like chocolate, I like Fiber One Oats and Chocolate bar. Great for a chocolate fix plus you get fiber. It's only 140 calories for one with 9 grams of fiber and 2 of protein. Buy only one regular size box with six in them. You'll know if you binge, you'll have none later in the week and be all sad.. :( lol.

    Boxes of 100 calorie snacks work the same way.
    Don't keep extras in the house over the amount you should eat in the week!

    Good luck! Hope this helps.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    I have issues with binging too, at times. There's a great binge-eating support group in the "group" section I think you will find helpful.
  • Have you heard of overeaters anonymous? I first heard about it in a magazine and searched it online. Its useful, and it has steps to take to avoid the destructive behavour. It teaches you that bingeing wont bring happiness and it needs to be disssasociated from sad feelings etc :)
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    You have related your own solution. If you are in that mindset, just don't have the first treat. If you are honest with yourself, you know you are allowing a binge to be triggered. I cannot eat sweets when I need a pick me up. It's like playing Russian roulette. Instead of eating when you are down, go for a walk, run, bike ride, hot bath, anything that will divert. It will pass. And if you still can't get a handle on the binge eating, try counselling or O/A. Both are options that can work.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    Perhaps learn to "treat" yourself to a walk, a juicy apple, a tray of expensive, fresh produce, things are are good for you.

    "Treat" is something we've used to define something bad for us too often.

    Sounds like a sugar addiction.

    There is a diet called "The Sonoma Diet" that works well to eliminate all refined carbs and sweets the first few weeks, then ease them back in as they should be, in moderation. There is a great book out on it I have enjoyed. May be something you could look up.
  • sateliteofluv
    sateliteofluv Posts: 19 Member
    I feel like most of the times that I have or have wanted to binge eat it was because of some emotional trigger -- sadness, happiness, anger, etc. The last few months I have started asking myself 1) why do I want to eat that? and 2) will it change the situation at all to eat it? Usually (read: always) the answer is "No" and I remind myself that overeating or binging only will make ME feel bad later.
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    If it's in sight, i will eat it.

    Had help in removing excess "goodies" from the home and work.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Having dealt with the *opposite* kind of eating disorder, I can honestly say that when it gets really bad it's very wise to talk to a nutritionist or a counselor. :x

    same here. have you looked into over eaters annonymous? they have support groups in person, online chats and phone meetings. there is also eating disorders annonymous, which also has in person meetings, online meetings and phone meetings. i do the phone meetings once a week and they are helpful.
    keep those trigger foods out of your house. stay away from the store and only allow yourself to buy what's on the grocery list. hold yourself accountable, every time you buy a trigger food put money in a jar or something, or have someone help you out to keep you accountable.
    usually with binge eating, there is something else going on, like what you said. you need to be able to work on that problem in order to stop triggering the binge eating.
    best of luck!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    also, what helps keep me away from eating if i shouldn't to avoid a binge is cleaning my bathroom. between cleaning the toilet and the smell of the chemicals, it turns me off from any food for a while. then i will drink some tea or something which also helps, or flavored seltzer water