hi there

Hello everyone my name is Jon and i'm here to try to lose some of the weight i've been carrying around for so many years of my life. I almost weight 100lbs more than i should and this summer i'm going to give a fresh go at losing 20lbs of the weight. If all goes well ill keep the progress going, but this summer is a make it or break it moment for me. Ive been large since highschool and now im graduating college in another year from now. I want to travel and see the world, see the ocean for the first time, be on a plane for the first time and i don't want to do that as big as i am now. I want to look at photos from my trips and not hate everyone that i am in.

Wish me luck



  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Hey Jon! That sounds like a pretty attainable goal and I do wish you the best of luck!!!!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I hear you on the "not hate every photo of myself" point--good luck!!
  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    Hello! You will like this site! I have really enjoyed it and love all my friends on here! I love the new feed...helps me keep motivated when I see how everyone else is doing and on the days that I am not doing well I just have to post it and they really help me through! Keep at it and the weight will come off!