Graduate School, Medical School, Law School?



  • diferenc3
    diferenc3 Posts: 8 Member
    So im a thrid year physician assistant student now on rotation, i signed up in august but never really dedicated myself to doing all this. Im 25y.o. i weigh 240lb. and i fear getting diabetes and hypertension before the age of thirty and not begin able to see my nephew grow up if i keep on putting on the weight. Since graduating college 3 years ago ive put on 22lb. I need to do this for myself, but im my worse enemy. Need all the support possible!!!!
  • sweetsapphire85
    I'm a 2nd year graduate student in clinical social work. I intern 3 days a week and then take 3 3 hour classes in the fall. Right now i'm finishing up my summer semester finals. I'm hoping in this next month when i'm off I can really hit the gym everyday in my down time and drop at least 5-10 lbs and develop strategies to make healthy eating choices when running to and from school and internship.

    I have 1 more year at t his pace and then i'll be doing normal clinical shifts at hospitals or hospice centers if I get my way. Can always use more friends to get me through this time though.
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    Im also in grad school and can completely sympathise with the exercise as procrastination technique! I'm doing a research degree in Victorian studies so when Im not at my desk leaning over books, I'm in archives, leaning over books. I have my final dissertation due in September, while its only 30,000 words, fitting everything in does seem difficult. Everyone else is on holiday and enjoying the sunshine and the only time I get outside is when I exercise or walk to the campus library.
    I think the main problem I have is dividing time up so I make sure I get enough of the right things to eat and get enough sleep (anyone else find its impossible to switch off? I always seem to be thinking of my next chapter etc, running / going to the gym really helps though) Most nights I manage to get my 8 hours but if I'm on a roll writing wise I find it hard to stop and go to bed. Those are the days I have no energy to is one of those days, tired, cranky, no energy and craving greasy carbs to make me feel better!
    Good luck with your assignments etc everyone, hope all is going well!
  • diferenc3
    diferenc3 Posts: 8 Member
    def understand what ur going through but u can do it. try to pack snacks with you anything u can munch on thats healthy!
  • michellehh7891

    I am in exactly the same position you are! 2nd year pharmacy school and busy is an understatement! Have 24 pounds left to lose, and school will be starting again soon whether I like it or not! Lets post easy recipes and all help each other stay motivated! maybe post your favorite low cal snacks, things available out of boxes and cans that are healthy? Keep each other up to date on how we're doing? And most of all, motivate each other to make time for exercise!
    What do you say?
