Motivation & weight loss tips

Hi guys! Since high school I've gained about 10-15 lbs and I keep trying to lose it but I cant! I run on the treadmill almost everyday and try to count my calories. I need some friends for motivation and some weight loss tips for the last couple of pounds please!


  • CrimeanGurl
    CrimeanGurl Posts: 103
    I'd recommend to try eating 100% clean for a couple month. Illuminate from your diet pretty much everything except from fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats + fish (if you are not a vegetarian), low-fat dairy (if you consume dairy), and grains (assuming you're not following Paleo). Don't fry anything in oil. Don't eat anything that contains added sugar. Reduce your salt intake. As the last line of attack, you could also try intermittent fasting. Good luck!