Trying to wrap my brain around what I'm reading....

I've been obese most of my adult life. I started on MFP on January 1st at 306 pounds, and I'm down about 25 pounds. I walk a mile or 2 almost every day. I do Zumba 1-2 times a week. I've on week 6 of C25K.

I drink a ton of water. I haven't had a Pepsi in over a month. I'm eating a lot, and I haven't been hungry. I have not gone over my calories (current goal is 1650), and I only eat my exercise calories occasionally.

But I keep reading that I need to eat more calories. I understand that "light" and "low fat" stuff isn't best.

So ya'll are saying I need to eat more? And I can add junk? Isn't the junk what got me to 300 pounds?

My diary is open if anyone has suggestions......


  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    You can take a look at my diary if you want. I eat some junk, but the majority of my food is the good stuff.
  • OmegaGator
    OmegaGator Posts: 37 Member
    Everyone is different, if what you are doing works for you stick with it!
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    I can't see your diary...?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Your diary wasn't open. Do what's working for you right now. When it stops working it's time to make changes. As for the questions on what you've read:

    Eventually you may need more calories to break a plateau.

    Usually light and low fat versions add chemicals, so natural is best. Fat is not the enemy, you need some fat in your diet.

    You can add "junk" if it fits your calorie and macro goal and helps you stay on track. You don't need to if you don't want to, but if you are at a calorie deficit and your macros are set correctly there's no reason you can't have treats.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    Good job and if it ain't broke. People with a lot of weight to lose have lots of stored energy to burn so I wouldn't be concerned right now. And no if fast food is what got you to where you are now it's probably not a good idea to reverting back.
  • cook6609
    cook6609 Posts: 182 Member
    If it works for you, stick with it. I am at 1200 calories (losing 2 lbs per week). I know people keep saying, "eat more, your starving yourself, etc". However, I watch my nutrition intake very carefully (proteins, fiber, vitamins, and calcium). I love vegetables. I also am doing the 30 day shred as well, and I do eat my exercise calories back. I never feel deprived, hungry, etc. I even challenge myself to see how much food I can get on my plate for the least amount of calories. This is what is working for me, and I am not going to change it. I don't eat junk food. I agree that junk food got me to where I am today. If your calorie limit is working for you, keep going girl. Not everyone is the same.
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    I've been obese most of my adult life. I started on MFP on January 1st at 306 pounds, and I'm down about 25 pounds. I walk a mile or 2 almost every day. I do Zumba 1-2 times a week. I've on week 6 of C25K.

    I drink a ton of water. I haven't had a Pepsi in over a month. I'm eating a lot, and I haven't been hungry. I have not gone over my calories (current goal is 1650), and I only eat my exercise calories occasionally.

    But I keep reading that I need to eat more calories. I understand that "light" and "low fat" stuff isn't best.

    So ya'll are saying I need to eat more? And I can add junk? Isn't the junk what got me to 300 pounds?

    My diary is open if anyone has suggestions......

    Congrats on your success so far. If you aren't hungry, then don't force yourself to eat. You DO need some fat in your diet-the good fats, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. You can find these in nuts, and natural nut butters, olive oil, avocados, salmon, etc... Your diary was private when I checked a couple of minutes ago, but you sound like you know what you're doing. Keep at it. You're doing great!
  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    From what you have described, I would say only - keep up the good work. Unless you are burning a lot with exercise you should be good at your goal. If you are burning huge amounts with exercise, you might want to think about upping your calories some on the days you exercise heavily (eat back some more of your exercise calories) in order to ensure your body has enough fuel to handle the extra demand put on it by the exercise. This is not a suggestion that you eat junk. Just add more of the good foods you should already be eating - a bit more protein, some more fruit and veggies, some more milk or yogurt, an extra slice of whole grain bread - you get the drift. Congratulations on your great progress, and I hope your success continues.
  • melanielimoges
    melanielimoges Posts: 2 Member
    I've been discussing the same thing with my husband who has done a lot of research. I will be talking to my best friend, too, as she is a registered dietitian and certified personal trainer.

    Essentially, what I am gleaning at this point is that I am probably not consuming enough calories, so my body may be consuming lean muscle mass for energy instead of depleting fat stores. My BMR is in the 1600 calorie range. I've been netting under 1500 calories, sometimes even under 500 calories, because of how many calories I'm burning when working out 6 days a week. I am going to try raising my calorie intake to around 1900 on exercise days.

    I would not recommend getting your extra calories from junk. You can get 140 calories easily from a container of Greek yogurt or 100 calories from a fitness supplement like Accel Gel (I'm going to try these). A Slim Fast shake is around 200 calories. A handful of walnuts is around 165 calories. These items have protein, good fats, and/or carbohydrates without being unhealthy. You can always add fruits, cheese, etc. as well.

    You're welcome to let me be your guinea pig... keep doing what you're doing, and I'll let you know in 3 weeks if I am seeing any change. I am just hoping I won't gain before losing because of the change... I am afraid I may gain temporarily as I add calories to try to get my metabolism to where it's supposed to be!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I've been obese most of my adult life. I started on MFP on January 1st at 306 pounds, and I'm down about 25 pounds. I walk a mile or 2 almost every day. I do Zumba 1-2 times a week. I've on week 6 of C25K.

    I drink a ton of water. I haven't had a Pepsi in over a month. I'm eating a lot, and I haven't been hungry. I have not gone over my calories (current goal is 1650), and I only eat my exercise calories occasionally.

    But I keep reading that I need to eat more calories. I understand that "light" and "low fat" stuff isn't best.

    So ya'll are saying I need to eat more? And I can add junk? Isn't the junk what got me to 300 pounds?

    My diary is open if anyone has suggestions......

    Eat food, not crap. If you need more calories nuts (or natural nut butter that contains just a nut and maybe salt) is a good way to go. Or buy some good low carb protein powder and up your calories that way.

    Experiment with it. Eat as you currently do and exercise as you currently do and measure the results. Take a weight, body fat measurement if possible and measure yourself around both biceps, waist at the navel, hips and thighs.

    Then add a few hundred calories (one good handful of mixed nuts per day would do it) and keep everything else the same and see what happens. If you lose more fat/lose weight, do it again. Then add another hundred calories.

    Keep adjusting to find your sweet spot, and as a guiding rule don't eat junk. Eat real food.
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    I can't see your diary...?

    Sorry....I thought my diary was open to all. I changed it. Now it's open.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    The main thing I see you are doing wrong is you aren't eating any of your exercise calories back. MFP is set up with a deficit already so by not eating them back you are creating way too large a deficit which can cause all sorts of issues so eat most of them back.
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    Don't add junk, please. You've lost 25 lbs in 10-12 weeks. That is very good. What you are doing is working. Stick with it. Congrats on your losses! There are more to come!
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    I took a peek at your diary and went back about a week. You had some low days in the 1200 and 1300 range and that might be a little bit low, but I think the 1500 and 1600 range is a good one. As you lose weight, you will need to lower your calories if you wish to continue losing at the same rate as your are now, but mfp should calculate that for you. Like others have said, don't fix it if it isn't broken. Do what works for you and try not to listen to the many many different opinions you will get on here.
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    The main thing I see you are doing wrong is you aren't eating any of your exercise calories back. MFP is set up with a deficit already so by not eating them back you are creating way too large a deficit which can cause all sorts of issues so eat most of them back.

    I have to respectfully disagree. I never eat my exercise kcal. Combining a diet deficit with an exercise deficit is what expedites fat loss. Now, if a person was complaining of lethargy, irritability and general discomfort (extreme DOMS, excessive joint pain) I would suggest adding in the exercise kcal. But it certainly is not going to hinder weight loss to not eat away your hard work in the gym.

    Its random "advice" like this that confuses the heck out of people....
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    The main thing I see you are doing wrong is you aren't eating any of your exercise calories back. MFP is set up with a deficit already so by not eating them back you are creating way too large a deficit which can cause all sorts of issues so eat most of them back.

    I have to respectfully disagree. I never eat my exercise kcal. Combining a diet deficit with an exercise deficit is what expedites fat loss. Now, if a person was complaining of lethargy, irritability and general discomfort (extreme DOMS, excessive joint pain) I would suggest adding in the exercise kcal. But it certainly is not going to hinder weight loss to not eat away your hard work in the gym.

    Its random "advice" like this that confuses the heck out of people....

    That is how MFP is meant to work. I didn't make up their rules. Tell them you don't like the way they set it up! That is why when you don't eat your exercise calories you have green calories left to still eat till you get to your goal. Oh and so my advice is "random"? Why are you so much better than myself to try to help someone? They aren't paying you.
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    I suggest that you keep on doing the awesome job that you have already been doing. You seem to be doing a perfect job of losing weight and I don't see how you can improve on perfect. Everyone has a different way of doing things and what works for others may or may not work for you. Congratulations on your loss and keep up the good work!
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    Hi Julie

    I think one of the issues is that it is hard (for me at least) to apply the right advice for individual personal situation from the discussions on the forums. I would continue as you are for now. those of us with a lot to lose can take a larger deficit without stalling.

    I know you use a fitbit as do I. I get my best results using a deficit from my fitbit TDEE. I work over a week usually. I try to eat clean most of the time 80% although on holidays at the moment so a bit more naughty. i have an awareness of my trigger foods and avoid them- some others I now eat in small quantities e.g. 25g cheese with 2 oatcakes rather than lots of cheese with bread.

    Don't over think it and damage your progress. Good luck as always