Gained back everything I had lost over the weekend :(

I ended up gaining back everything (4 lbs) I had lost this weekend. A long road trip with my boyfriend, family cooked Italian meals and my own lack of will power are to blame. I feel like I lost all control and ended up eating as much as my boyfriend, who can pack away 3000 plus calories and not gain an ounce.
I'm not just imagining the weight gain either. I look heavier and my clothes are tight again. I cannot keep setting myself up for this! I told my boyfriend that our weekends have got to change. He said he'll start being less of a "guy" when it comes to eating on the weekends. I'm hitting the gym hard this week to help counteract it all.


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It's not permanent. Get back to it today and drink lots of water. It'll be gone in a few days. We also have to just accept that we can't eat like guys. I'm sorry but it's true. My husband diets by eating once a day and eating a whole frozen pizza. That's 2400 plus calories. I can't lose on that. You have to find the willpower in yourself and keep your portions small no matter what your boyfriend is doing.
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    This has always been a issue for me, hubby and weekend! My husband is also the type that eats what he wants and it don't hurt him. He eats more calories per meal, then I am aloud for the whole day! At least you know what went wrong, and how to change it. Keep your head up, keep logging in everyday, and don't give up!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Dont stress too much....just go back on track and drink lots and lots of water over the next few days...and you will be fine

    Yes its sad we cant eat like men do...My husband has a bowl of icecream almost every night....and is quite fine....I can only treat myself to a cone of icecream on sundays.....the lucky *kitten*....but such is life....

    Keep going will loose that 4 pounds in no time

    Drink lots of water
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    It is what it is and today is another day. I doubt you've gained 4 lbs. Drink lots, watch what you eat this week, exercise and most importantly...don't beat yourself up. Enjoy your day.

  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Something I have done to help with going wild on the weekend is plan ahead of time what I will eat (I used to only plan for weekdays.) The trick for me is making it something FUN, delicious, and something I wouldn't normally eat or have time to make during the week.
  • valleyp
    valleyp Posts: 49
    Wait a minute. A pound is 3500 calories. You would have had to have over eaten by 14,000 calories to have gained those 4 lbs. What might be more realistic is that eating on the road limits your ability to limit your sodium intake. When I eat restaurant food, even if I'm within my calorie limit, I usually blow up because of all the salt. In the first 15-30 minutes after eating I feel my pants getting tighter and I will wake up the following morning and my rings will be tight, my shoes are tight and I can leave a dent in my shin if I press down on it with my thumb. Usually within a few days of drinking tons of water and eating clean, that water will drain off and I will begin to feel my clothes loosening, even in places you wouldn't think would be affected by water, like the thigh area. Starting today, drink lots and lots of water and eat as clean as you can.
  • SuzyQ2008
    I did the same thing -weekends are terrible :sad: but at least you have 5 days to work on it and only 2 days to mess up, right? :ohwell: On weekends, when I don't have much choice, I really try to drink *at least* 2 glasses of water before the meal and even more during -especially at a restaurant. Then you chose meals where you can have them delete the fatty alfredo and use marinara instead. I wish you luck! You can do it!! :bigsmile:
  • aedfit
    aedfit Posts: 65 Member
    I was just feeling miserable as I logged in this morning because the same thing happened to me this weeked. We had a ton going on and other people were cooking my meals. I felt like I didn't have control the situation and all I could think was how embarrasing it's going to be to see my weight loss ticker move back up. All I can say is it' good to know that we have MFP to come back to to get back on track with support. That and water is free :-)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm right there with you. Weekends are horrible for me as well and this weekend especially bad. I agree that it's more then likely water weight. It is highly unlikely that you ate that many calories over the weekend. It's probably the sodium intake. Drink lots of water today and it will be gone in no time! I'm going to hit i hard this week as well!
  • mysometimeisnow
    I coulnd't really plan what I ate this weekend, aside from while I was on the road (in which I packed healthy snacks but still ended up having fried chicken fingers and fries). I don't know how many calories I took in but I'm sure it was near or above 3000 a day. Breakfast cooked by his mother, lunch with his dad and dinner and drinks with his best friend. Ugh. I know that I had a lot more sodium that my body is used to and that can be to blame with the gain so I am drinking a lot of water right now. Already had 50 oz and it's not even 10 am. I hope the scale loves me a little more tomorrow.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Don't let it get you down. It will be off before you know it. You have to allow yourself the fluxaction. It's a lifestyle change. And these things are going to happen. :smile: Don't get discouraged.