June Starters - April 26



  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Down .75 this week that's 52 pounds total! Yay!!!

    Fantastic!! You must be so proud of yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Down .75 this week that's 52 pounds total! Yay!!!

    Congrats!! I think that is the most! Good job!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Thursday! Only 2 more work days this week. Thanks Goodness!! I have not gotten out of the slump this week. I feel so burned out. I am wondering if I should talk to my doctor, I will give it another week though ( I hate wasting her time if its nothing).

    Happy weigh ins to the Thursday weighers. I will be back later to check out the results!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    So I was at the gym yest and my HRM kept telling me my HR was 0. Since I'm pretty sure I'm not dead it ticked me off. lol I ended up leaving early because if I don't know how many cals I'm burning- I won't know how much I can eat. So today I looked at that excuse and I'm like What?? That makes no sense! lol I was looking for any reason to leave. I still stayed in my cals though. I just need to get my head back into it!!!! I need to find something to help push me. I think I'm discouraged by the fact that June is only a month away and I still have 25 lbs to go.
  • shannahrenee
    And the ugly truth.

    LW: 189 ( I think)
    CW: 192.5

    I've really been slacking lately, but it occured to me that I only have 18 weeks until my wedding. I need to get motivated to finish this. I really didn't want to weigh in today, but I figured I should own up to my bad behavior. I hope everyone else is having an easier time.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Well I show you have 18.5 lbs until your goal. With 18 weeks to go you would have to lose at least 1.03 lbs to be there. You can SO do that! Focus on that! Only 1 lb a week! Even if you don't get to the weight you want you can get the 30 day shred and be the SIZE you want! Go for it! It's so exciting!

    Don't think: "I can't"- think: "I can!!"
  • shannahrenee
    Well I show you have 18.5 lbs until your goal. With 18 weeks to go you would have to lose at least 1.03 lbs to be there. You can SO do that! Focus on that! Only 1 lb a week! Even if you don't get to the weight you want you can get the 30 day shred and be the SIZE you want! Go for it! It's so exciting!

    Don't think: "I can't"- think: "I can!!"

    Thanks I'm definitely going to start some kind of exercising since I've totally been avoiding that. I need to get my arms in better shape if i'm going to get anywhere near a wedding dress!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Well I show you have 18.5 lbs until your goal. With 18 weeks to go you would have to lose at least 1.03 lbs to be there. You can SO do that! Focus on that! Only 1 lb a week! Even if you don't get to the weight you want you can get the 30 day shred and be the SIZE you want! Go for it! It's so exciting!

    Don't think: "I can't"- think: "I can!!"

    Thanks I'm definitely going to start some kind of exercising since I've totally been avoiding that. I need to get my arms in better shape if i'm going to get anywhere near a wedding dress!

    I think part of my initial motivation was that I was going to be a bridesmaid. It just so happens that the bride is my ex-boyfriend's sister :wink: :bigsmile: so I wanted to look smokin' hot next to his new girl (she's a bridesmaid too) and I wanted to impress his family. It's just a tangled web of weird-ness...at least I'm gonna be a physician and she's just gonna be a nurse wahhhhh I am horribleeeeeee :laugh:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    LOL Courtney!! Whatever motivates you!
  • kaja
    kaja Posts: 145 Member
    Been a pretty good week this week.

    SW - 180lbs
    LW - 139lbs
    CW - 138.2lbs
    GW - 130lbs

    so thats a 0.8 lb loss, i'll take it. 8.2lbs to go for my first goal weight, still need to tone up loads though.
  • shannahrenee
    Well I show you have 18.5 lbs until your goal. With 18 weeks to go you would have to lose at least 1.03 lbs to be there. You can SO do that! Focus on that! Only 1 lb a week! Even if you don't get to the weight you want you can get the 30 day shred and be the SIZE you want! Go for it! It's so exciting!

    Don't think: "I can't"- think: "I can!!"

    Thanks I'm definitely going to start some kind of exercising since I've totally been avoiding that. I need to get my arms in better shape if i'm going to get anywhere near a wedding dress!

    I think part of my initial motivation was that I was going to be a bridesmaid. It just so happens that the bride is my ex-boyfriend's sister :wink: :bigsmile: so I wanted to look smokin' hot next to his new girl (she's a bridesmaid too) and I wanted to impress his family. It's just a tangled web of weird-ness...at least I'm gonna be a physician and she's just gonna be a nurse wahhhhh I am horribleeeeeee :laugh:

    haha that's great. That would totally motivate me too :laugh:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Good job Kaja!!! You're so close! I'm jealous!!

    Has anyone seen Kandyjo this week?

    I forgot to weigh in! I went to the gym last night and got a great workout in! 2 hrs! It felt sooo good!! I do need to push myself a little harder next time though.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Sorry that I have been MIA.... I have had tons of things going on....
    First of all, found out that my son had a blockage in his bowels and such... The x-ray really scared me... and we have already had a couple appoints this week for him... Two of those have required us to drive almost 2 hours....
    Anyway, I have been really consumed with him and his health right now... They have him on some medication that is making his bowels even more irritable...
    I didn't weigh in this week... and now that I'm thinking about it... I don't think I weighed in last week... I haven't lost anything...so just keep me the same...
    I'm really sorry, ladies! I will be back on board, I promise!! I just really need to concentrate on getting my son well. For those of you who pray, please say a prayer for Kaiden. Thanks!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    KJ- No problem at all! I'm glad to hear from you. We worry about our JS'ers going missing. Hugs to Kaiden! (and you too!)
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Hope your son is doing better soon KJ. Keep faith. He will be fine. Don't forget to take care of yourself too.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    WTG Kaja! You are doing so well.
  • shannahrenee
    Sorry that I have been MIA.... I have had tons of things going on....
    First of all, found out that my son had a blockage in his bowels and such... The x-ray really scared me... and we have already had a couple appoints this week for him... Two of those have required us to drive almost 2 hours....
    Anyway, I have been really consumed with him and his health right now... They have him on some medication that is making his bowels even more irritable...
    I didn't weigh in this week... and now that I'm thinking about it... I don't think I weighed in last week... I haven't lost anything...so just keep me the same...
    I'm really sorry, ladies! I will be back on board, I promise!! I just really need to concentrate on getting my son well. For those of you who pray, please say a prayer for Kaiden. Thanks!

    I'm so sorry to hear your son is sick. I'll keep him in my prayers! Stay strong!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    KJ- said a prayer for your son and your family. Hope he gets better soon and that it's nothing serious!