SBF2 Reboot boogaloo...wk of April 26

lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Once again, I'm nervous to start the thread.

    I made it through week one of the pre-BD month challenge I set for myself.:drinker:

    I blogged a recap, but here's a few other things just for my pebbs. I find myself getting compelled to work out. A lot. For example, today, I'm tempted to do a weights class, followed by boxing, followed by zumba. This is probably too much. I keep having to make myself snap back to the big picture of my workout goals for the week, and not just kill myself in one day. (remind myself that I can go to zumba in the a.m., etc...) I think my binge mentality may be drifting over into workout territory. Weird. There's also that whole "way too much energy/weird manic energy" thing going on. I started my special lady time, so that may explain it. I'm actually looking forward to the crash.:tongue:

    Also, I have had a few fleeting moments where I want to log/track/calculate my food. Trying not to.

    Had my sunday "feast day" meal yesterday. A cheeseburger with a glass of red wine. Delightful.

    Today, it's a sculpt/strength/dance conditioning sort of class followed by boxing. And that will be enough. (especially since zumba tonight would be taught by senor booty shaking killer 1000 calorie an hour dude). Also, I'm hoping to hear something from my doc's office today.

    Just enough boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    So what wine goes with cheeseburger? :tongue:

    I managed to get through an entire weekend at the in-laws without having dessert - unless you count this evil concoction called chocolate peanut butter - basically cocoa powder mixed in with sweet peanut butter. My FIL was saying how different things would be good with it (banana, cherries, etc). My response, "dirt would be good with it."

    Anyway, Saturday was yoga teacher's birthday, so I'm bringing cupcakes. I will probably have one. Yoga and walking on the schedule today - as well as pestering the group fitness director to make a simple phone call, so I can teach class tomorrow.

    Chocolate peanut butter, boogaloo!

    ahhh, the cupcake place I was going to go to today is closed! I'll have to find another one.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    So what wine goes with cheeseburger? :tongue:

    I managed to get through an entire weekend at the in-laws without having dessert - unless you count this evil concoction called chocolate peanut butter - basically cocoa powder mixed in with sweet peanut butter. My FIL was saying how different things would be good with it (banana, cherries, etc). My response, "dirt would be good with it."

    Chocolate peanut butter, boogaloo!

    Cabernet. or Malbec. or, a Petit Syrah. (sorry, waitress/culinary school training just kicked in) Last night it was a big Rodney Strong Cab.

    Are you talking about "Peanut Butter & Co. Dark Chocolate Dreams?" You know what I like with it? A spoon. I love that stuff. The lack of (less) refined sugar (I think it's cane juice) means I can eat it and not trigger a binge (like nutella, which I've decided is just a candy bar you eat with a spoon.) It's very good with those gluten free "sticks and twigs". But you didn't hear that from me.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I ate it with a spoon as well - 3 different spoons for variety.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    You all are funny. I'm thinking I'd better stay away from this chocolate peanut butter! :laugh:

    I had a great weekend overall. No work to catch up on, managed to do some yard work and cleaning so I felt productive, but also spent a good chunk of time just chilling out with cats on my lap. And going out to eat. :bigsmile: We watched Julie & Julia last night from Netflix, which was fun.

    I also got a swim lesson from my husband yesterday, which was cool. I realized a few years ago that while I know how to do all the strokes, I never learned how to breathe properly - so I'm always frenetically trying to get water out of my nose and breathe at the same time. So, we practiced breathing and by the end I felt like I was starting to get the hang of it. I'm thinking I may try and go practice what I learned tonight if I can get out of work at a reasonable hour.

    Breathing, boogaloo! :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi ladies!
    We are still on the road therefore this will be a short post.
    I'm loving this chocolate peanut butter conversation! Lol! But I can't dwell on my favorite combo for long or it might become a reality.
    Had a good weekend. Relaxing for the mind but so much for the body. We hiked six hours yesterday, approx. eight miles, and burned over 2900 calories! Whoo hoo! We are sore! But it's good. I just hope the cals carried over to today because we had blizzards from DQ. I will be posting pics on FB if there is enough room left on my computer's hard drive to upload them from he camera. It was so cold! And we were not prepared at all. It must have been in the 40's and the first night there were 40 mph winds. We didn't sleep much so bedtime will be early tonight.
    Not really looking forward to getting back to reality but I can't stay in the clouds.
    I will check back in tomorrow!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Glad you had a good time, MM. I don't think I ever learned to breath properly in swimming either.

    Today, I start the new yoga job. Hope it goes well. I think all the access stuff is cleared up. I still don't know where anything is - like where to get or turn in my time sheet. Maybe I just figure it out? I think there are only two teachers at this facility, and one of them laid up with back surgery (I'm the other now). Will also go for a walk today.

    I see the heat coming soon. It will be in the 90s this weekend - yuck, but I guess it will be May. We've really had a great winter and spring.

    Summer soon, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Just got back from Zumba. What a different atmosphere the Tuesday a.m. class has. I have to remember that I was once a beginner exerciser, but I just want to tell the ladies "don't give up! just keep moving." Because there are two that just stop and look cranky if they get the least bit confused. They get confused a lot, then they get angrier, then it just spirals from there. I try to remember the time I laughed in my first yoga class because I'd "never be able" to do that. (want a laugh? it was upward dog. now I do it twenty times a class like I was rolling out of bed.)

    My trainer and her partner (who is my boxing instructor) were talking about my neighborhood and its teeny-tiny comfort zone. Let's just say the ladies around these parts are super-good at complaining. I just try to let it fill me with gratitude instead of snark, but I have my days where that's way harder than other days.

    Also, I have a killer sinus headache, which may explain my snark level. I think I'm experiencing an allergy/special lady time double whammy. Oops. that sounded complainy.

    Today I'm debating on yoga this eve. I'll wait until later in the day and see if it feels like the right thing to do.

    Welcome back, MM! I'm so glad you got a well deserved break. CP, I have been pondering taking swimming lessons this summer, but that would involve a bathing suit, and I don't know if I'm there yet (mentally). Good luck with the new class, Mary. You'll figure it all out, I'm sure (but I can relate to the discomfort of not knowing).

    Pollen boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning,
    Mary, I'm not really looking forward to summer but it has been nice to actually have four seasons! I think I'd like it to be this way every year.
    Lots to do today. Mostly laundry, which won't get finished today. In laws left this morning, which was okay I guess since I can't do laundry while they are here (too much to explain). Taking Alex to tumbling class this morning, putting everything away from the trip, and then trying to get a work out in. I was expecting to be much more sore from hiking 8 miles than I am. I guess I also expected to be a lot slimmer from it too. The scale is now up to my original starting point 3 years ago. I'm not going to let it get to me. I know it's muscle and soon the fat will start coming off.
    I have "2 1/2" days to get the house cleaned up before my family comes up for a few days, so I'd better get to it.
    Happy Tuesday!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    I have zero energy. None. Nada. Zilch. I hope I hear news from the doctor today. For the past six months or so, I have tons of energy or none. If there's less than zero, that's where I am right now. Dizzy when I stand up, asleep when I am horizontal. Boo to it.

    Utilizing my skill of pushing through, I have an appointment downtown, then I think I'm going to go shopping, then home, and then weights class followed by spynga. (I'll re-assess as I go to make sure I won't fall over in any of those things).

    Looking for my mojo, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    You have a manic metabolism?

    I had one student in my class yesterday. No one knew that there would be class, so even having one student is good. I wrote a notice on the white board, so maybe I'll have more than one student on Thursday. Not much yoga experience, so we just went through the poses. Also, no mats. I asked the management if we could get 4 of them and mat cleaner. I will bring three mats tomorrow.

    Today: double yoga! I could have double yoga everyday through Saturday. My yoga teacher is having her day job fashion show tomorrow (she works at the University in the Textiles dept and she organizes this huge fashion show for her students every year). The people I'm going with are dressing up (le sigh), so I have to figure out if I have time to go to class and meet friends for dinner.

    One student, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hey ladies!
    Not much news here. It's a "scheduled" day off, though I feel like I should work out. House work should be good enough and I have a lot of it!
    I did resist the urge to go out to eat lunch today, which is my normal eating out today, which also makes it difficult because I don't have time to work out on Wednesdays either.
    I am thinking of adding B12, and iron back into my daily vitamins. I am chewing ice a lot and I think that comes from an iron deficiency. Or I just like doing it. :tongue:
    We will be having work done on the house in a couple of weeks. A nasty algae-fied window replaced, bathrooms caulked, and I am going to send the property management pictures of the rat droppings I found behind the couch yesterday and behind the fridge. :mad: I thought they had left until we heard one the other night. Apparently they never left as there are about 20-30 droppings behind the couch. We have one of those electric things plugged in that is suppose to keep them away but it's apparently not working. And I am telling them about the dryer vent being plugged again. Praying for favor and that they won't get mad. If they fix all these things I *might* be okay to stay here a little longer. Although the baldcypress tree in the front is my enemy. That's another story.
    Anyway, no news turned into more news than I thought. :laugh:
    My novel for the day.
    Happy Wednesday boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning,
    How is everyone?
    V, how are you feeling? More energetic today?
    Mary, how did teaching go?
    CP, where are you girl? I miss ya!
    Bobbie, are you still here? I love seeing your cheerful posts!

    I don't like it when my day starts off on a sour note. I hope it gets better. A cry first thing in the morning is not something I enjoy. :grumble:
    I sent an email to the property management. The lady was very nice and apologetic when she called back. She said she would start making phone calls and I should start receiving calls today to set up times for people to come out. I really don't know when I will have time to have people come out. My schedule is pretty packed over the next two weeks but we'll make something work. I'll just be glad to get all this fixed I hope!
    I should have worked out yesterday. Church ended up being canceled last night (pastor sick maybe?) so we went out to celebrate a little boy's birthday instead. It was fun but I ate high calorie stuff. Oh well, today is a new day.
    More cleaning today, grocery list and shopping to do, spending some time with Alex, and getting ready for a crazy and hectic weekend.
    Hope you all are well!
    Getting off my duff boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I ended up not exercising yesterday. Well, I did get a half hour walk in, so I guess that counts as movement, but I was just too low energy.

    I do feel better today. I noticed that along with being super low energy, I was really hungry yesterday, so I ate more. I also just woke up from sleeping for nearly twelve hours. I think I needed some extra rack time and maybe some extra protein. Also, if I haven't heard from my doc's office by this afternoon, I'm going to give them a call. I do not like a life of mystery, especially a life that has the mayo clinic website in it. Full stop on the googling for today. If a B12 shot will make me feel better, I want one. (but I can't get one until the tests are finished, so that the problem is still there to look at...aigh...diagnostic catch 22)

    Today I have a meeting with my trainer scheduled, so if that goes off according to plan, I should get a TRX session in, with maybe a little bit of boxing, followed by a stop at the farmer's market. Also, my husband comes home from the road so we may eat out for dinner. (I really missed him this time...the apartment felt super-empty)

    MM, I really hope that you get your house issues resolved. It is not cool that your landlord hasn't fixed everything. My landlord is super nice but he tends to, um "fix" things instead of fix them, if you know what I mean...Yeah, CP and Bobbie...where you at?

    (slightly) more mojo boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Hope the days improve for y'all.

    I never know what to wear. I need a fairy godmother to come by and dress me. It will probably be my normal dress up wear: jeans, boots, and a nice top. I might even wear make-up - really just eye make-up, I never learned how to do anything else.

    The gym will not give me mats for my class - yep, have to do yoga on the floor. They did say they have some mat cleaner for me - sure would be nice to have something to use it on. I will ask the students to ask the management for yoga mats, it's the only way to get them. Fitness Director sent out an email asking for a sub on Mother's Day. Is it childish of me to not sub because they wouldn't give me the class? I have a feeling it is.

    Today: teach yoga on carpet and walk.

    Yoga mats, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    trainer not feeling well, so moved to plan B: did a weights DVD and cleaned the bathroom at top speed and vacuumed entire place. Will try for a walk later (weather is lovely).
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    MM, I really hope that you get your house issues resolved. It is not cool that your landlord hasn't fixed everything. My landlord is super nice but he tends to, um "fix" things instead of fix them, if you know what I mean...
    Girl, I could tell you some stories about "fixing" things. I will tell you one. There's a black metal plate under the dishwasher that has a screw missing and it's sticking out away from the cabinets a little. When we told the maintenance guy about the rats and TOLD him to fill holes in the kitchen (he didn't believe we had rats since I cleaned up the poop before he came so he wouldn't have to crawl around in it), he used the foam filler behind the plate instead of just getting a screw and fixing it! So it still sticks out and now there is yellow foam oozing out behind it. Yeah. Smart. But the new maintenance guy seems more competent and he said we probably won't be seeing the other guy unless it's for basic stuff. I figured that was basic stuff but whatever. If it was my house I would have been PO'ed! Since it's not, I'm just really annoyed. :tongue:

    Got 55 minutes of taebo in and it felt great! I can tell I am shrinking even though the scale has gone up 7 pounds in three weeks. I know I'd be losing it faster if I could get a better grip on my eating. But I feel better. :smile:
    No I just have to get up the mojo to clean the house. I have cried twice today (thanks to DH and Biggest Loser). You'd think I am hormonal but that time has passed. Back to work!
    Cranky and emotional boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Wow, I haven't posted since Monday? Sorry, pebbles. :frown: I have read what you've been writing, but I've been sneaking peeks in between running around and I guess I just haven't taken the time to say hello. I do love seeing what you all are up to. :flowerforyou:

    I've been working like crazy. Every day except Tuesday I've been at work until 7 or later. (Tuesday I went out to dinner with friends, though, so that was nice.) I have a feeling this situation is going to continue for the next several months... sigh. So, of course, between work and my ankle, I haven't been working out. Like, at all. I've still been doing my daily walk, but that is pretty much it.

    I did go back to the doctor (actually the PA) today to get my MRI results. Not a stress fracture! Verdict: posterior tibial tenosynovitis. (I had to look it up again when I got home, but it's basically inflammation of the sheath surrounding the tendon.) They didn't see any serious damage (like a tear or degeneration or anything), and the PA didn't think that immobilization or steroid shot was called for. So they are sending me for physical therapy (she recommended one that is more sports medicine focused so I can get more specific guidance on training plans), and then I'll go back and follow up with the actual doctor in another 5-6 weeks. All in all, I guess this is okay news. I didn't get a chance to call the PT place today, and I am going to be out of town for work next week, so I may not get to see them until the week after next, unfortunately. Till then, I guess I keep up with the ibuprofen when it hurts and try to not do things that hurt. :ohwell:

    MM, so sorry about the rats - I hope they finally get things sorted out once and for all. V, step away from the Google! Hope you hear something soon. Mary, I need someone to dress me, too - hope you had fun. But I love that jeans and boots qualify as dress-up in Texas! :laugh:

    Working too hard, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Yay! It's Friday!

    Hi CP! Glad to see you again. Sorry you are so busy at work, but just try to be thankful that you have a secure job. :smile: Sorry about your ankle too but at least it's not a stress fracture. Going to sports geared physical therapy will be good I think!

    I have a full day, so I am going to try to squeeze 30 Shred in in just a few minutes. Then there's Bible Study (second to last one), and my fam will be here. Lots of eating out this weekend so I will try to be careful. Not much time to exercise either. I may try to do something Sunday afternoon to get back in the groove. I was down three pounds today but we'll see if it sticks around. It's still the same three I've lost over and over again in the last three years. But I do feel smaller. :happy: I think I said that yesterday. lol

    Have a great day ladies! :smooched:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Friday, pebbs...

    I'm gearing up to go to the gym for a spin class (the most popular instructor, apparently..he's smoking I'm going to see if that's it...or he's actually a good gym has a high "desperate housewife" vibe:tongue:) Followed by the anusara (sp?) yoga that's pretty challenging. Sort of dragging myself back to the gym, despite developing a bit of a case of the don't wannas. If I take a day off, even one that makes perfect sense to take, and then work out at home, I almost immediately feel like I don't belong at the gym...what can I say...I have issues.

    Other than that, not much planned. I'll probably go out to lunch, then relax at home. I hope to get some reading done, but I feel mighty burned out these days (it's the ennui of not knowing if I'm teaching this a week).

    ennui boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
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