Just joined MFP! HI!

I came across this website over the weekend. I was looking for an online tool to help me track what I'm eating and my exercise goals. I've been struggling to lose lately. A bit about me -- I lost 40pds on WW and actually became a lifetime member - this was backin 2005. I did it all using their "core" program. I was successful at maintaining my loss for several year. I'm now about 16 pounds beyond where I should be. The past year has been a struggle with little movement down. I decided I need to do something different - so tracking calories ect is it. I'm hoping that by writing it down and tracing daily, It will help me be honest with myself.

Looking forward to getting to know you all!!



  • ilovehkn
    ilovehkn Posts: 57
    Welcome! Good luck with everything! Tracking what you eat is the best way to be aware of what you are putting in your body. You made a great first step!