Please help



  • jane888888
    jane888888 Posts: 6 Member
    YOU can do this, it gets easier and more rewarding as you see results. Lots of great advice above with the water, logging everything and writing your trips to the car etc.
    I am 8 weeks in and at the start couldnt walk far or exercise, even swimming was impossible. I have a bad knee, lower back and vertebrae which will not stay in place.
    I felt so different and healthier after 3 weeks, i just started with easier little things but this has strengthened my back. I tried swimming again and although I cant use my arms much I'm doing much better.
    This is a slow journey but you see improvements and thats encouraging.
    Anyone feel free to add me as happy to encourage and I think you are less likely to cheat if your diary is open and friends are viewing it.
    Dont stress about this it will happen even without exercise.
    Jane :smile:
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    There are so many encouraging people on here that just want the best for you. I can't really add anything new, but just keep doing it. Everyday is a new day. When you wake up in the morning, set a goal (small goals) about moving more or adding a new healthy food into your diet. You have already have had success. You don't mention how many calories you are eating or if you are tracking your food, so you will want to make sure you are doing that (or continue doing that honestly).

    Keep up the hard work and I know you will be shopping with your wife before you know it!
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    Thank You all for the encouragement. It is so nice to see all of the help that people wish to give me. I can't seem to relax at all...I constantly feel like I should be exercising. When I try to sleep I lay down for a few minutes then start panicking abut my weight and have to get up and exercise or research exercise programs on the net. Dropping the weight seems to have taken over my entire life. Thankfully I have the greatest wife in the world . She tries helping me cope in anyway she can. I can do this and I know it. I just need to figure out how to relax.

    I felt the same way! I was overwhelmed with information and felt if I didn't do this right this very minute, then I was slacking. I was obsessed with thoughts and my head was just full all the time of food, what I should eat, what I shouldn't eat, what I should be doing, if it was working, what else I could try, what people were thinking - just constantly mentally beating myself up and down over and over... it was exhausting. In the end, I had to learn to be kind to myself. I also got professional help to show me how to eat, when to eat and a bit of what to eat and to learn about my thoughts and emotions connected with food and eating. That mental help was life changing. Absolutely life changing. My head has never been so quiet and put together in regards to food, my body and eating as it has been since seeking help.

    The "when" of eating was probably one of the biggest helps for me. It is what made me the most nervous as well so maybe it is part of your problem. For YEARS of my life when I would "diet" I would try to go as LONG as possible without eating because to me it made sense that you were supposed to be eating less, so try the best you can not to eat. I would actually get angry at myself when I felt hungry, expecting myself to be this super human. Don't do that. you need food. your body needs food and energy and you have to eat. And that's normal and there is not a single thing wrong with that.

    Now, at the advise of the professionals that I trusted to help me, I eat within 30 minutues of waking up to get my bloodsugar level and then eat every 2.5-3 hours after that, all day long. I try to never go over 3 hours without eating either a meal or a snack. Keeping my bloodsugars level all day long made the biggest difference in my life, especially in the beginning. Now it comes second nature and my body feels hungry when it is time to eat. That was a first for me, to actually feel my body feel hungry! Within two weeks of using this system my energy level was up and my head was much quieter. It took a lot of the guesswork out of my day and food. The answer was easy, either YES, it was TIME for me to eat a snack/meal or "No, you just ate ___ minutes ago so logically, you cannot be hungry, what else are you feeling" (and that is only logical if you eat a real snack, you can't have ten grapes and say "but I ate a snack" it has to be a proper portioned snack). Taking this approach took all of the guess work out of the equation for me and made it so simple. I needed simple. I needed a simple set of rules and guidelines that I could follow easily that didn't overwhelm me and that I could focus on. THAT was key for me.

    There is so much information out there, so much overwhelming information and I was reading it all, taking it all in and all it did was leave me feeling confused and pretty scared and hopeless. Seeking out help from people I trusted (at the clinic) was seriously key for me. I then had one voice giving me solid advice. I could listen to that one voice, block the rest out and find my focus. From your post, this seems like something that may also help you.

    I wish you the absolute best of luck.
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    hey toady! Just checking in to see how you were doing... would love to hear an update!