Exercise for Fat Loss

I am on a very large calorie deficit. I have about 200 lbs to lose. I want to do it in a healthy,effective, and relatively fast way. I under stand that exercise is more than just burning calories. I know that it is good for a healthy body and is a very good thing period. I definitely plan to add exercise (strength and some cardio)to my lifestyle at some point. i just need to get this mass down so things aren't so near-impossible and stressful on my body. My question is this: will exercise intrinsically help me lose more fat? Is there a difference or added benefit with burning calories with exercise vs. nutrition? With my deficit being so low nutrition-wise...would it further increase my FAT LOSS goals? If I were to exercise right now with the deficit I'm at...I would be tipping under the 1200 calorie line. And I am 6'3" 441 lbs...just want some clarity if at all possible...appreciate any help. Sorry if this a dead horse question I couldn't find a post that matched...so I made one. Thanks MFP.


  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    This advice is specific to you given your very high starting weight:

    Concentrate on dietary adherence and keeping in deficit (however you find that comfortable to do)
    The large deficit is fine for you
    Try and incorporate some kind of exercise you like and you feel comfortable doing (that may simply be walking for the time being)
    Don't worry about the rest until you have shifted enough weight to make high intensity exercising practicable

    Obviously exercise can increase your energy expenditure and therefore your deficit but it will be far less efficient than doing that by diet.
  • TheRightWeigh
    TheRightWeigh Posts: 249 Member
    Thank you for the response. Diet adherence isn't too hard for me...so just being really disciplined with fitting all i eat into my macros probably is the best way....i'll continue down this path then. Thanks again.