Up 3 lbs today? I'm so upset!!!!

Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I honestly have NO idea how I can weigh 183.5 on friday and weigh 186.5 this morning! I worked out Sat morning and yes, I did have a few extra calories over the weekend but 3lbs???? Last night I ate 1/2 a turkey hoagie and a few chips but I really hadn't eaten much all day. How did I consume 10,500 extra calories!!!???

See, this is why I have quit in the past. I just feel like I can't win. Someone please help me and explain to me WHY I gained 3 lbs in 3 days????

I hate myself right now.



  • It is most likely not fat you gained, but you are holding water weight. Drink lots of water today, watch your meals, and by tomorrow you will be surprised (in a good way) by the scales. Don't give up and don't be discouraged, it happens to us all!:flowerforyou:
  • when you start working out it takes awhile to lise at the same time because you start to gain body mass muscel sorry if i spelt that wrong any who i went thru the same thing n it took me a month before i seen results ive lost 11lbs so far i gained some at the beginnin like you too so dont worry just keep going with it! be strong
  • mellers1313
    mellers1313 Posts: 105 Member
    I make the mistake of weighing myself all the time, and there have been mornings where I cn be up to FIVE lbs heavier than the day before.:noway:

    So now I leave recording my weight until my weigh in day (Saturday) .
  • fitcakequeen
    fitcakequeen Posts: 10 Member
    not sure what kind of turkey it was, but just the sodium in that and the chips could have done it. When you eat something salty, try to compensate with extra water. Don't sweat it!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Don't hate yourself!! Those three pounds could very well be gone tomorrow! Your body is probably retaining water- did you have a lot of sodium this weekend?
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I agree...it is the turkey hoagie and chips...lots of sodium. I can fluctuate by 4 pounds depending on what I am eating.:grumble:

    There are many physiological processes that influence our water levels. The kidneys work very hard to keep all of your bio chemicals in balance. If you eat glucose (sugar) or sodium your body will need extra water to protect your organs so that the chemicals stay in balance. Cut back on the sugars and salts, drink some herbal tea and watch the scale go back to normal.:drinker:

    While you are at it, thank God that he made your body such an incredible machine that it can regulate all of that without you even noticing!:flowerforyou:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Last night I ate 1/2 a turkey hoagie and a few chips but I really hadn't eaten much all day. How did I consume 10,500 extra calories!!!???

    As the first poster said most likely water weight due to an increase in sodium intake from the food quoted above. Watch your sodium levels and drink plenty of water and you will loose that water weight.
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    Don't stop trying to eat healthy. Patience is the hardest part in this journey. Water weight, the extra salt in the chips, the extra salt in your turkey hoagie will all trigger extra weight - it is not fat!!
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Don't quit. The scale will go down and tracking your health is only good. I do that too, let the scale make or break my day, it's sillyu really. Chin up love!
  • When that happens to me it sometimes is because of my cycle. When its over I drop that extra weight. So I guess that is water like others have said
  • It is most likely not fat you gained, but you are holding water weight. Drink lots of water today, watch your meals, and by tomorrow you will be surprised (in a good way) by the scales. Don't give up and don't be discouraged, it happens to us all!:flowerforyou:

    I agree. A hoagie (even half) probably has way more salt in it than you realized. Push the water over the next few days, get back on track and I bet you see a nice difference.
  • jleydon
    jleydon Posts: 7
    Weight can fluctuate somewhat from day to day. What you ate the day before affects how much water you retain and how much you weigh today. If you get dehydrated your body won't be as effective at burning calories. Get enough nutrition in so that your body doesn't go into starvation mode. Also drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. Also, stay active. Try to do something physical every day. That can be anything from yard and house work to a workout at the gym. As for weighing yourself every day...DO IT!!!! You will begin to see and understand your body's natural rhythms and you will also begin to understand how what you eat today will affect you tomorrow...then there won't be any big surprises. (Also,studies have shown that people who are (or get) thin and remain so, typically know what their weight is because they weigh themselves frquently...helps keep weightloss in the front of your mind.) Don't ever hate yourself...know yourself! Keep at it! Don't loose heart, its just a small bump in a very long road. Good luck to you!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I bet you a buck it will be gone by tomorrow am. The salt!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Dont give up..........Your salt intake may have been too high...and with too much sodium and the body tends to retain water.

    Also, if you underate....you body may have held on to the meal...because it felt you were starving yourself and not eating

    It could be alot of reason

    alot of us at some point...have gone on the scale on monday and gained 1-5 pounds....but we dont quit.....we drink tons of water continue working out and eating healthy
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Water water water! I'm up 3 pounds this morning as well! It's most likely sodium. It will be gone in no time if you drink lots of water! Most meats like that contain lots of sodium!! :drinker: Hang in there and don't give up!
  • Topgram
    Topgram Posts: 7
    Don't give up Lisa, I am in the same spot that you are. I try hard and lose,
    then all of a sudden I gain. Not sure what it is, salt, stress,age, etc.
    This is my third time trying this and all I want to do is lose 20 pounds, should be easy but it's not.
    Hang in there girl. I'll be watching you. Lorraine TOPGRAM
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I will chime in on the excess sodium and drinking LOTS of water to get rid of it. You should be drinking at least 64 ounces a day, but best thing is to drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces a day. More if you workout, and definitely more when you go over on sodium to flush it out! If you're not drinking at least 64 ounces, then that's the culprit.

    Another thing no one else has mentioned is it could be TOM...
  • bslclay
    bslclay Posts: 55 Member
    Oh, please don't hate yourself! 3 pounds is really nothing when you look at the big picture... Take a step back (easier said than done, I know) and look at how you are eating healthy and exercising. Ask yourself why you are doing those things and why you want to lose weight. Remember that answer when ever you are feeling like this! You can do it! Don't give up...then you will REALLY hate yourself (and that is the worst thing you could do).

    Drink your water.. watch the sodium.. and maybe try looking at your BMI. I used to have a scale that measured my weight and my BMI (you needed to be barefoot and have your feet on the metal in order to measure). Give yourself a break.. Maybe tell yourself that 3-5 lbs fluctuations are ok and take it as a reminder that you need to drink your water and watch the salt and that NOTHING is black and white, there will always be an area of gray. That's how life is and it's ok!

    Think positive, be positive.
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    Sounds like you are retaining water from sodium as said already. I am bad about that, and I get discouraged so easily I give up like you said. I have also learned, when it's that time of the month, I am putting on 3-4 pounds from water retention, and it don't matter what I eat during that time, it happens, and I get discouraged. I can see it in my fingers and ankles, lot of swelling. I have figured out in order to not get so discouraged, I will skip weigh in during that week. I am also bad about checking my weight every morning. Trying to get out oof that habit also. We didn't get this size overnight, or a week or whatever. We have to learn that we are not going to loose it all overnight, or week either. keep your chin up, stick with it. Together we can do anything!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Water, babe. You'd have to have eaten 10,500 calories OVER what you're supposed to gain 3 lbs over the weekend. Drink a TON of water...and I mean a TON. I was holding water from drinking so much alcohol from my bday and gained 3 lbs. I drank at least 130 oz. everyday for a few days and finally lost 2 of those lbs. Watch your sodium also so you don't have to keep drinking that much to negate the sodium.
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