Weight Gain going Gluten Free?

jeda1231 Posts: 63 Member
I just found out I have a gluten sensitivity (allergy test detected it - whereas a Celiacs blood test has always been negative) so I have been adhering to a gluten free diet since February 18th. Has anyone else with this intolerance witnessed weight gain when turning gluten free?? I don't eat anything really processed - sometimes Udi bread if I really need a carb fix but mostly just gluten free oats in the morning and some rice crackers. I have been using beans and quinoa for carb substitutes at dinner.

My aunt has Celiacs, so it does run in the family, and I want to be healthy (body wasn't absorbing iron or B12 really) but this stubborn weight it annoying!!! I'm 5'5 and 135 - yes not the end of the world - but I can't believe being healthy can backfire like that.

Any advice from other gluten free people!??! Thanks!


  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I gained weight from GF diet ONLY BECAUSE I was eating all the GF treats, GF muffins, bagels, breads, cakes, crackers, etc..... they are super high in sugar and calories ( more than regular wheat items I found) , stay away from them they are not diet friendly that for sure!! . I f I had stayed away from them I would not have gained weight...GF is not a weight loss diet.

    Great carb for Celiac is sweet potato , I eat alot!! :laugh:
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I'm also a coeliac and managed to get almost 7 stone overweight by eating gluten free. As the replies have said some of the g'f products are much higher in fat and sugar than normal food. Also it will take time for your body to adjust so give it a few months to recover and hopefully you see a difference if you are eating below your daily needs.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    I am loving this post and finding it amusing since I have seen a lot recently saying a GF diet was a part of their success in losing weight.

    This really goes to show- to each their own.
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    I actually eat (mostly) gluten free and I don't have celiacs disease. The only starchy carbs I really have during the day are oats in the morning. All my other carbs come from fruits and veggies. You can look at my diary, it should be open. It can be difficult at time but there's definitely no way you should GAIN weight by not being able to eat wheat!
  • Some people with celiacs or a major gluten intolerance will actually gain a few pounds going GF because the body is absorbing food and nutrients as the gut heals. Your body is going from a nutrient deprived, malnourished state to absorbing what it needs, and this can cause weight gain in some people.

    Also, as others said, stay away from replacement wheat products! They are not enriched, so they lack vitamins, fiber, and have a high GI index than their wheat counterparts. Try replacing these grains with vegetables and fruits instead and you will probably see an improvement.
  • KatieHall77
    KatieHall77 Posts: 129 Member
    Just watch all those products sold under "Gluten Free". Many of them are loaded with sugar and other unexpected ingredients to make them taste "nice".

    My grocery store made a special GF aisle which I loved, but a lot of what's there is super unhealthy. They have snack bars with 50 grams of sugar- but the packaging claims they're "healthy"

    I used to buy several of these products but they made me gain weight- so I watched my cals, carbs, and sugars as well as my gluten.
  • Sailorwind
    Sailorwind Posts: 158 Member
    I switched to gluten free about a week and a half ago (though I haven't gotten tested yet). I haven't bought a single product advertised as "gluten free", I just stopped eating the gluten filled products I was eating before. I gained back the two pounds I'd lost in the lsat month and it seems to be holding steady, even though I am also eating under my calories. On the bright side I'm having a lot fewer stomach issues, but I'm confused about the weight. My BF who is on ketosis tells me it's the adjustment period as my body gets used to the lack of carbs, but I haven't actually cut out carbs. I've cut it DOWN, but I'm still getting carbs from fruit and some sugars and beans and potatoes, so I'm not sure the adjustment period should apply. Any thoughts?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I am loving this post and finding it amusing since I have seen a lot recently saying a GF diet was a part of their success in losing weight.

    This really goes to show- to each their own.

    Most people that go gluten free know better than to fill their eating plan up with crappy gluten free products.

    I have been 100% gluten free (no products or anything) for about 1 1/2 months and have lost 15 pounds. Protein, fats, fruits and vegetables.

    I already knew this about myself, but indulged a little much over the holidays and such.
  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    YES!!!! If you Celiac, it's pretty common. I gained 13 lbs when I cut gluten, but now my body is actually absorbing nutrients... it's a good thing!

    I agree though, stay AWAY from GF products. They are packed with sugar and useless refined carbs
  • jeda1231
    jeda1231 Posts: 63 Member
    thanks for the responses!!! I'm going to try and do exactly what you say - not eat replacements and just eat clean - i don't tend to eat pasta a lot anyway and I bought rice wraps if I feel like having a sandwich - thanks again for all of the support!!! hopefully this weight gain / stubborness will go away soon!
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    I apologize if someone already said this but the doc told me I would gain because my intestines are finally able to absorb nutrients whereas before they went, quite literally, down the drain with haste. I do also agree about the GF products; just bc it says gF doesn't mean it's healthy!
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    I gained weight too when first going gluten free. But I think I may be settling in cause it is starting to come off again. Been Gfree since October because gluten sensitivity
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    I gained after going GF... the substitutes are mainly to blame... they have more calories than their wheat counterparts. That and plain eating too much without exercising.

    Before, I could eat and not really gain like that... but after you heal your system (speaking of celiac here, which I have), you are going to gain weight a lot easier as well! It's all these things that combine in a perfect storm.

    Now that I watch my calories, I have lost over 60 lbs... and haven't given up a doggone thing, not even gf substitutes for pasta. I just measure the correct portion with a food scale.
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    Some people with celiacs or a major gluten intolerance will actually gain a few pounds going GF because the body is absorbing food and nutrients as the gut heals. Your body is going from a nutrient deprived, malnourished state to absorbing what it needs, and this can cause weight gain in some people.

    Also, as others said, stay away from replacement wheat products! They are not enriched, so they lack vitamins, fiber, and have a high GI index than their wheat counterparts. Try replacing these grains with vegetables and fruits instead and you will probably see an improvement.

    this is my exact sentiment on the subject!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Nope. I've been gluten free (for health reasons) for a couple of years now. I don't eat any substitutes except Udi's flax and fiber or millet and chia bread.
    I have not gained weight.

    If you don't eat a lot of substitutions you may still gain a little weight as the body adjusts to what doesn't bother it.
  • drivermi
    drivermi Posts: 3
    For myself, I have been gluten-free a year next week, as I have Celiac disease. At first I gained weight because my body didn't know what to do with the gluten, and then cutting it out it almost put it into shock because I was so ill. Now that I have been a year free, I have lost over 40 pounds. It's all in what you eat. Gluten free products are generally very high in fat content just like regular products, and they are made more for convenience than to live off of. Once you get into a routine you will notice there are a lot of other options that are full of proteins and vitamins that you are lacking from cutting gluten out of your diet the weight will go away...my go-to food is quinoa. Once you continue to eat this way and establish foods to eat, and make your own food off of raw proteins and vegetables the weight gain will stop, just like any lifestyle gluten free or not. Your body needs time to adjust right now.