If at first you don't succeed...

I am a 30 year old stay at home mom to a four year old boy and an 18 month old baby girl.
Before having children, my weight would fluctuate 10 pounds from time to time but I was always a healthy weight.
Then AFTER the birth of my son, I fell into a funk and put on 60 pounds.
For the last three years I have lost and regained the same 10 pounds over and over again. Now I'm fed up with myself and am ready to make a change!


  • ajswriter
    ajswriter Posts: 117 Member
    Those ten pounds must be obsessed with you! Good luck! :)
  • ginessa
    ginessa Posts: 3
    That's hilarious! Thank you...
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    I love your attitude!!!!!! Too many people give up. Starting again is admirable and I applaud all those who have the strength to do it. Eventually the body will catch on that you're not a quitter and will comply... :happy:

    Best of luck to you!
  • JennyJG
    JennyJG Posts: 27
    Good for you for getting back up again. That is so key in this game!
    But, if that's you in the picture you posted, I hope you don't lose sight of the fact that you are a knockout!
    Just think its important to not lose sight of the good as well as work on what needs improvement.
    Jen (another mom in the game with you :happy: )
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    There are a LOT of new(ish) mom's trying to shed some baby weight!

    I have two daughters, almost 4 and almost 2. This site has been so motivating and is VERY easy to use. Enjoy!