
I have been trying to lose weight that I put on during and after my 3 pregnancies. My family is just the right size and I would like to be too. After having my last child (a year and a half ago) I have lost 20 lbs…but I have had a hard time getting and staying below 180lbs (my diet plateau). Looking for all the help I can get!


  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    HI there and welcome to a great place
  • stuart6
    stuart6 Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the exact same shoes and wieght. It is so ironic that you placed that post. I am so glad that there is someone else like me!! This site is great and has helped me become accountable for what I eat and for exercise. I am also looking for great tips, if you find any please pass them along. I will be thinking of you as we both make this journey.
  • bjandlm
    bjandlm Posts: 75
    Hi and welcome to MFP, this site is awesome, and I am sure that you will find tracking your food and
    exercise very helpful. A good combination of good food and exercise will go a long way. Just remember
    to begin slow and to set small acheivable goals, and do not forget to reward yourself once in a while.
    Lots of smiles from BJ.....:smile::smile: :smile: