Clean Eating



  • clairebeej
    I can't really define it for you because no one really knows what it means. I think it does help you lose weight though. I think it's something about smug, self-satisfaction burning up to 100cal a minute!

    I just sprayed my coffee! :) TY!
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I can't really define it for you because no one really knows what it means. I think it does help you lose weight though. I think it's something about smug, self-satisfaction burning up to 100cal a minute!

    That's preposterous!

    Smugness doesn't burn calories.

    It's the constant telling everyone else that they need to eat clean that burns up all the calories.

    Can we at least agree that the smugness gives you an after-burn?
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    Saran Wrap....some of you will get it some of you wont.

    Is it bad that I get it? :laugh:
  • PattiBaldwin88
    PattiBaldwin88 Posts: 41 Member
    Its just eating foods that are processed as little as possible. I've always heard the general rule is if it has more than 3 ingredients or anything you can't pronounce, then it probably isn't clean. I still eat yogurt and drink some milk, but I watch out for the added sugars AND artificial sweeteners.
  • LydiaShackelford
    LydiaShackelford Posts: 93 Member
    Here is the BEST breakdown of clean eating I have ever found, and it is what I follow:
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    I can't really define it for you because no one really knows what it means. I think it does help you lose weight though. I think it's something about smug, self-satisfaction burning up to 100cal a minute!

    HAHAHAHA this made me laugh!
    I have had too many people tell me to eat clean and I had nooo clue what they were talking about.
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    Here is the BEST breakdown of clean eating I have ever found, and it is what I follow:

    I actually was just on this website after a google search! Thanks for sharing!
  • Ke11yJo
    Ke11yJo Posts: 141
    I also recommend watching Forks Over Knives and Hungry for a Change. 2 great flicks on food.

    I have been reading alot about clean eating also and wanted to learn more. I am going to definitely check out both these movies!
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    If your goal is weight loss, eating "clean" wont necessarily help. To lose weight you have to eat at a caloric deficit. You can eat too much "clean" food just as easy as, dare I say, unclean food. Eat less, move more. Don't over think it.
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    If your goal is weight loss, eating "clean" wont necessarily help. To lose weight you have to eat at a caloric deficit. You can eat too much "clean" food just as easy as, dare I say, unclean food. Eat less, move more. Don't over think it.

    This is what I'm sort of thinking. While the idea interests me, there are things I don't want to give up. For example, shredded cheese. Yogurt. Real milk. My favorite recipe is topped with shredded mexican cheese and wouldn't be the same wtihout it. The ultimate goal IS most definitely weight loss, so maybe I'll just stick with making healthy choices, counting the calories and exercising.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Nothing refined, processed or pre-packaged.

    Protein, whole grain carbs, fruits and vegetables.

    Just google clean eating and you will find a ton of information on it.

    It makes a huge difference in losing weight and re-shaping your body. I personally cannot succeed at both without it.

    So nothing like milk, or yogurt? I eat a yogurt every day, as it's one of the only snacks that keeps me full enough to tide me over until lunch.

    I also have waffles every day for breakfast. XD

    Dairy is often limited or not consumed at all. Same with wheat. It's all a decision on what kind of results you want. I personally am very goal driven and could care less about giving up processed foods to reach my goal. You may not be the same way, it's all about finding a balance that works for you if you want to succeed :)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    If your goal is weight loss, eating "clean" wont necessarily help. To lose weight you have to eat at a caloric deficit. You can eat too much "clean" food just as easy as, dare I say, unclean food. Eat less, move more. Don't over think it.

    ^^Exactly! I know, I've done it. I think, for me anyway, it's a fairly useless exercise to get caught up in eating "clean" or not. My personal choice is to eat most whole nutrient dense foods. I don't give any thought to clean or not. Just nutrient dense and minimally processed.

    eta: My diary is public if taking a look helps at all to see what I mean.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Here is the BEST breakdown of clean eating I have ever found, and it is what I follow:

    I tried to read it, but it said about removing chemicals from your diet pretty early on, so it failed to make any sense.
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    I have a pretty bad calcium defficiency from a medication I am taking so my daily yogurt has sort of become a staple. As for milk, I don't use it too much other than for cereal, but I still can't stand almond milk or soy milk.

    Soy milk and almond milk have more calcium than regular milk, fyi. You might learn to like it if you have a deficiency.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    Probably the best book available on the topic is "Real Food" by Nina Planck.

    Speaking of smug, a friend of mine bought a Nissan Leaf and named it Smuggie. I think this has helped him lose weight. At the very least, he loves the after burn.

    Not going to argue over calorie deficits, etc. I will note, though, that it is very helpful to understand how your body uses macronutrients, what actually regulates fat storage in your body, and what the impact of carbs, sugar, fat, protein and all those unpronounceable chemicals do. Just like all mammals, our temperature, heartbeat, brain function and fat storage are regulated by homeostatic mechanisms. The things you put in your body affect those mechanisms.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    If your goal is weight loss, eating "clean" wont necessarily help. To lose weight you have to eat at a caloric deficit. You can eat too much "clean" food just as easy as, dare I say, unclean food. Eat less, move more. Don't over think it.

    I completely disagree with you. When you eat clean you don't have to calorie count at all, it's all about balance and eating smaller meals more often. I eat way more now than I did counting calories or points, I am satisfied for longer and don't crave anything as long as I stay on plan.

    The best book that is very well written on the subject and easy to follow is Tosca Reno's The Eat Clean Diet.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    If your goal is weight loss, eating "clean" wont necessarily help. To lose weight you have to eat at a caloric deficit. You can eat too much "clean" food just as easy as, dare I say, unclean food. Eat less, move more. Don't over think it.

    ^^Exactly! I know, I've done it. I think, for me anyway, it's a fairly useless exercise to get caught up in eating "clean" or not. My personal choice is to eat most whole nutrient dense foods. I don't give any thought to clean or not. Just nutrient dense and minimally processed.

    eta: My diary is public if taking a look helps at all to see what I mean.

    Exactly, even then, eating nutrient dense foods is just a method that makes sticking to your calorie goal whilst getting nutrients much easier. Don't get too caught up in definitions that people are just plain making up.

    Everyone has a very good idea on how to eat more healthily than they have been that made them overweight. Try to be make healthier choices and stick to a sensible caloric deficit.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I was always under the assumption it ment non processed or whole foods or close as possible. Some people seems to assume it means no meat all organic I thought that was vegan ????
  • melmckay99
    melmckay99 Posts: 358
    Clean eating, IMO, is the answer to many of today's health problems. If we all started to eat food in it's most natural state (as described by many of the replies here) I think we would see a big decline in stuff like diabetes, cancer, name a few. I am by no means a medical expert, so this is just what I believe based on all the reading I've done and the documentaries out there that support it.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I have a pretty bad calcium defficiency from a medication I am taking so my daily yogurt has sort of become a staple. As for milk, I don't use it too much other than for cereal, but I still can't stand almond milk or soy milk.

    Soy milk and almond milk have more calcium than regular milk, fyi. You might learn to like it if you have a deficiency.

    No it doesn't, no it doesn't at all. You might want to learn that before you make smug posts on a topic where several people have already mentioned the dangers of smugness.