Ways to Punch Up Plain Water

Hi everyone!

I have a terrible time getting my eight glasses of water in per day. I really just hate plain water. I have been using crystal light peach tea packets and I drink it down within 10 minutes because it's so good, but that stuff is also pure chemicals and sugar. I'd like to find a more natural way to punch up water so I can get it down.



  • scrappermom96
    scrappermom96 Posts: 83 Member
    Hello....I use lemon in my water. I buy a lemon a week and cut it up into slices and then cut them in half. I input two halfs into my daily carry along water bottle and drink away. I have found since I have done that I can drink my water at a warmer temp instead of having to add loads of ice. It also gives a little sweetness to your water without adding any calories. Good luck and happy drinking!!!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    I'm in the same boat. If I sip water all day, I have to go to the bathroom NON-STOP. I drink coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon, decaf coffee at night, and water for workouts. I probably get 50 ounces a day.

    If I'm working out or running, I guzzle water, though. Have to have it. I add easily another 20 ounces during a workout.

    Still, probably not at goal. These people who drink a gallon of water a day...I just don't see how they do it.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You know, i used to hate water too. But when i decided to start drinking more it, i didn't have to turn it into kool aid. I just drank water. It takes 8 seconds to drink a glass of water. Surely grown adults can withstand 8 secs of drinking something cool and refreshing that has no taste. Not exactly torture. And after awhile, not only did I get used to drinking regular old water, I drink a gallon or more a day now.

    It's just not that hard.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I have a terrible time getting my eight glasses of water in per day. I really just hate plain water. I have been using crystal light peach tea packets and I drink it down within 10 minutes because it's so good, but that stuff is also pure chemicals and sugar. I'd like to find a more natural way to punch up water so I can get it down.


    ummm just drink water...it tastes like, well nothing...
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Just force yourself to drink it for 2 weeks. It will become habbit.
  • RoseKatet
    RoseKatet Posts: 149 Member
    You know, i used to hate water too. But when i decided to start drinking more it, i didn't have to turn it into kool aid. I just drank water. It takes 8 seconds to drink a glass of water. Surely grown adults can withstand 8 secs of drinking something cool and refreshing that has no taste. Not exactly torture. And after awhile, not only did I get used to drinking regular old water, I drink a gallon or more a day now.

    It's just not that hard.

    I knew you were my friend for a reason :bigsmile:

    Before I decided to drink water I would drink 1 energy drink (monster, rockstar) a soda or sweet tea in the afternoon and and another one in the evening with supper...I also couldn't see how you could drink all that water, I wasn't thirsty at all. Now I keep a 33.8oz bottle of water at my desk at work and just automatically take a drink (because its there) it usually lasts me an hour, then I fill it up and go pee lol I have cut out coffee, soda, and energy drinks on a daily basis....I don't miss it and because I cut those things out I get my water and I am thirsty! Good luck! Just put your mind to it :drinker:
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    I'm in the same boat. If I sip water all day, I have to go to the bathroom NON-STOP. I drink coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon, decaf coffee at night, and water for workouts. I probably get 50 ounces a day.

    If I'm working out or running, I guzzle water, though. Have to have it. I add easily another 20 ounces during a workout.

    Still, probably not at goal. These people who drink a gallon of water a day...I just don't see how they do it.

    I am basically the same way. While working out I can drink three bottles consecutively with no problem, but just sitting at my desk all day at work, I hate drinking plain water. I have decaf coffee in the morning (recently kicked a nasty caffeine addiction and feel 100 times better), just one coffee, and then the rest of the day it's water. I don't drink juice anymore, or milk.
  • Dasani (if Im not mistaken) has 0 (yes 0) flavoring shots that you just add to your water... That could be the jump start you need....
  • coolvstar650
    coolvstar650 Posts: 97 Member
    One day I put a Celestial Seasons tea bag in my ice water. It was Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride. WOW it made my water taste like a liquid cookie...all for NO calories! YUM'O!

  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Second the lemon idea!!! Helps me wake up in the morning :)
    Also heard that adding frozen berries help! Never tried them in water but LOVE eating them!!!
    Healthy way to punch up water AND get some vitamins!!!
  • JGainingHealth
    JGainingHealth Posts: 194 Member
    I like drinking herbal tea while I'm at work, and if I'm drinking cold water, I use 1/2 packet of the True Lemon drink mix... it's sweetened with Stevia, and definitely more natural than Crystal Light. I'd use fresh lemons but it's more difficult to do that on the go, and I'm rarely home! I used to be addicted to Crystal Light too, it's a hard habit to break.
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    I like to slice up lemons and cucumbers and add them to a pitcher I keep in the fridge, its really refreshing and yummy tasting. I found by using a plastic water bottle with a straw, its a lot more convenient than the types with a screw off lid and I drink more during the day.
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    Just start weaning yourself off the ice tea. Make it weaker, and eventually you won't miss it.
  • CeCe_711
    CeCe_711 Posts: 35
    cucumber is one of my favorites. it's got just enough natural sweetness and it's own crisp flavor that it jazzes of the water a bit. also you could freeze watermelon cubes and as they melt they flavor the water...they arent in season yet though. another good one is mint leaves! just muddle them a bit and voila! minty water, it's really yummy! good luck!
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    i would try very hard to just get used to regular water.
  • Lane1012
    Lane1012 Posts: 211 Member
    Propel Zero packets work for me ... 0 calories, one pack per 16.9 ounce water bottle, works great to get rid of the bland.
  • Ariel52
    Ariel52 Posts: 9
    Never thought of adding cucumber! Thanks for the great idea!
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    All of the above ideas are great!

    What works for me - I have a 24 oz. plastic refillable cup with a straw. I also have a 2 gallon container with a spigot on a table right behind my desk. Drinking through the straw helps me drink more water, because, let's face it, it's easier than taking a lid off and putting it back on. Having the refill container right behind me makes it more convenient for me to refill than getting up from my desk all the time.

    Water is good for you! Suck it up and drink it!
  • karmstg
    karmstg Posts: 15 Member
    Check out Sodastream's My Water. It's a couple drops of flavoring to a glass. Lots of fruit varieties, .No calories. I use it in carbonated and flat water.

    Edited to clarify that it's unsweetened. Just flavor, no sweeteners.