Seek help

I don't know if this is ok to post here so if a admin see's this and it's not good they can remove it

I go through depression easily
I'm poor and cant afford to go to a psychiatris tand i rather not see one
Does anyone know of a good site that helps with emotional support to help some one get back on track?


  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    I don't know of any sites but I keep a journal of how I am feeling each day. It helps me to write it down and then close my journal and leave it there. I have suffered from depression most of my life and that has helped me a lot. Talking to friends and I don't know your religious are but I do pray to God a lot. You can message me anytime if you want.
  • Ohgezzlyn
    Ohgezzlyn Posts: 13
    I use to have a journal but then it just felt like i was piling on and on stuff to let it explode later, I love tot alk to friends but i feel like im a burden to them, and i dont like feeling that way.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I journal too when I get depressed. I also like going for long walks outside. If you live in a city look for a park or at least some place with trees. Walking and looking around at nature seems to clear my head of the negative thoughts.
  • ark5229
    ark5229 Posts: 6
    I do not know of any sites that are geared towards helping people with depression but, and this is probably going to sound juvenile and stupid, have you looked into Tumblr? I don't have one myself but I guess it's sorta like keeping a journal only now you have the means to meet people who have similar thoughts/feelings. Idk but if you're going to start with a journal again, I think having a public (but obviously anonymous) one helps you more than a traditional journal - same level of catharsis, greater chance of feedback to help prevent the feeling that everything is getting bottled up.

    On a different note, I have had depression for quite a while and I found the only thing that really helps is finding sufficient distractions. Talking about what is making you depressed and receiving support are better than nothing, but keeping busy with positive activities (studying/reading, school, job, volunteering, taekwondo classes...etc.) is the key. This probably isn't very helpful though, because that's the thing with depression - how can you be the source of your own happiness if you're fundamentally unhappy? It's like having a machine that is missing a piece and thus not functioning properly. The solution? Fix it by getting the piece. The problem - the piece can only be manufactured by the machine itself.

    Uhhhh... well anyway sorry for writing you a novel! I hope I didn't offend you or overstep any boundaries! Feel free to message me anytime if you feel like emoting or need support. Hope this helps!
  • Ohgezzlyn
    Ohgezzlyn Posts: 13
    no it's fine, honestly I do have a tumblr but i don't do journal on it cause i feel it be same like it has been on here, no one cares or wants to help.
    and it seems the activities i plan get canceled, my job is a source of it and i hate activities i do alone, I really hate being alone, it leaves me with bad thoughts and i feel paranoid when I'm alone.
    I would do a journal if i knew their be a chance i could get help, i try my best to get out of this mind set with out having to pay so much money i don't have period, it's hard, it's like my mind wants me to be like this.
    I feel like i borthing people when i seek for help.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Do you exercise? It is proven that exercising in your heart rate target zone for an hour a day significantly reduces depression symptoms over medication.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I am not a doctor, but I can pretend to be one, for a fee.
  • Ohgezzlyn
    Ohgezzlyn Posts: 13
    I use to, I can't currently cause i fell down the stairs and bruised up my leg pretty badly.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Look up Charity SANE. Lots of nice resources and support. It's UK based but whatever, we have the internet.

    Also google stuff like "natural remedies for depression."
    Stuff like vitamins, exercise, eating property, sunlight etc can help with symptoms.
    No it doesn't make it go away forever but can help balance a little. Then you have a better chance of figuring out what actually causes it and can go from there.

    And depending on your issues there's billions of books out there.
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    My daughter loves fears vs dreams:

    From their "about" section"
    You’re invited to answer two questions, to add your words to the mix and to feel less alone in reading the words of others.
    Our aim is more than a moment at a tent.
    We hope to remind you that you’re living a story.
    The story is yours and it’s entirely unique.
    Please don’t give up and please don’t go alone.
    You matter very much.

    Also look into To Write Love on Her Arms - they have a lot of resources

    To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery.
  • stephen77009
    stephen77009 Posts: 4 Member

    If you live in a town/city near a college you might check to see if they have a psychology department whereby students (graduate) must log so many hours of practical training before graduation. Another idea is to check with your local United Way agency or women's shetler for additional referrals. I also second the suggestion of working out (even a brisk walk 30-mins a day to clear the head).

    Best to you.
  • dontgobacktosleep
    dontgobacktosleep Posts: 144 Member
    Try she has some awesome depression tools you could probably find a torrent to reduce costs.

    Saved my life, that and drinking enough water. What you perceive as depression may just be your body telling you its time to drink water and you're misinterpreting that melancholy feeling.

    Good luck I feel your pain!
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    Depression is a *****. I struggle with it too. Quite frequently.

    I used to journal, but...for me it just got to feeling like a book of complaints. I've questioned whether or not I should get some help. But I can't afford it either. What I have been doing is taking supplements a multi, B and D (the feel goods). I've tried rhodiola but I didn't give it enough of a chance to work. I think making sure you don't have any kind of underlying deficiencies helps.

    I'm very active on my social networks and I try to find things to do online where I interact with people. MFP, Twitter, Facebook. I'm sure you could find a depression support group online as well.

    I do submissions to (check it out if you never have.) People send in their secrets anonymously, and they get shared on the website, with new postcards every week. Has this helped my depression? Well, it lets me be creative, which is distracting. It lets me make peace with some of the things I've been holding on to for years. And when I read the secrets...It's good to know I'm not alone.

    I'm the kind of person who enjoys being alone. But...sometimes I silence is deafening. really sucks not to have a lot of friends to do things with, or who want to do things that I can't bring myself to do when I'm in a slump. I used to feel like I bored my friends, and they were tired of listening to me and I quit talking to them. And eventually, we quit being friends. It sucks. I agree, however, with the comment above that maybe you need to pack your schedule a bit.

    Anyway. Good luck to you. Feel free to add me.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Do you exercise? It is proven that exercising in your heart rate target zone for an hour a day significantly reduces depression symptoms over medication.
    This^^^ Exercise, mainly walking and jogging always lifts my mood. I have a few reasons why I think so.

    Exercise increases endorphins, which in turn improve your mood and decrease pain.
    Getting in a good workout makes me feel proud of myself and I have the added benefit of better health and weight loss/maintenance.
    Getting outside distracts you from your everyday stress and gives you time to think about the problems you are dealing with. I walked/ran over 1,000 miles last year and I'm a different person because of how much I had to 'think' while I was out there. For one, I was able to end relationships with family who were toxic. Win win and no regrets there. I also learned that while there are some things I can change, there are some that I have absolutely NO control over. Sometimes it's best to just try and let go of those or put your head somewhere else. For me it was to focus on MY health and not other people's drama.

    Also, you say that you used to have a journal. Have you ever thought about writing down the things that are bothering you? Make a list of EVERYTHING that's getting you down. Then, make lists of the things you can't change, the things you can change, and what you can do to make that happen. Look back on it often if you need to as a reminder. For me that helps put things into perspective. For example... my mom has alzheimers and I HATE it, hate how she treats me and have learned that I cannot change her. But, I am walking 1,000 miles for Alzheimers awareness, research and to raise money for St. Judes. My husband has a terminal disease and I can't change that, but I can spend more time with him and make special memories. I have high blood pressure, asthma, chronic migraines, kidney stones, a kidney tumor, fibromyalgia, a cyst on my brain, a shoulder injury, knee problems, plantar fasciitis, a still healing broken foot and toe.. soooo I could whine and say I can't exercise or I can get off my butt and find something that works and doesn't irritate my physical problems. While I do have bad days, I still exercise and I've lost 40lbs, drop a medication or 2 and I feel better.

    Sorry that was so long, I'm just trying to let you see how you can cope with problems, without meds and without the help of other people. My little solution helped me 100% and then some.

    See what you can do to help yourself. IF you can identify some of things that depress you, you can get through this! <hugs>
  • Ohgezzlyn
    Ohgezzlyn Posts: 13
    I may try the tumblr thing but I dont know how it will help seeing i still feel like the no one care feel, and that i seem like awhiny little brat ._.;;