Treadmill Speeds



  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    I don't treadmill walk (aside from a warm up 5 mins at 2.5-3.2)..

    I pretty much only do treadmill HIIT 30 second speed intervals.. incline between 3.0 - 7.0 and speeds 6.8 -8.8 =)
  • acciomuscles
    acciomuscles Posts: 164 Member
    I walk at 4.0 and run steadily at 6.0. If I'm doing intervals I'll run for shorter periods at 7-7.5. I always set the incline to 1.5%! And I run way faster outside than on the dreadmill.
  • flutterbye811
    flutterbye811 Posts: 86 Member
    I am a fast walker and a very slow runner- Can walk at 4.5-4.6 without problem (sometimes 4.7) but will tend to run around 5.0-5.2 when and if I do (not the biggest fan of running).

    Also, my speed on the treadmill and my speed outdoors tends to be pretty close to the same, so I guess the treadmills I'm using are pretty accurate? I dunno.
  • captmiddy
    captmiddy Posts: 147 Member
    I probably don't match the people you are asking. I do a 2 to 3 hour walk each work day at about 1.7 to 1.9 MPH, and then on the weekend I do a 60 to 90 minute walk at about 2.7 to 3.5MPH. My treadmill tops out at 4MPH and doesn't have an incline. It is a treadmill desk unit

    I do have a treadmill in my basement which I use from time to time for doing an inclined walk. Using a treadmill depends on your purpose, if you are just trying to burn calories it is all about the number of steps and the distance traveled.

    I don't run, not now, probably not for a long while. The deck on a treadmill doesn't have enough give for my knees to really do a run not to mention I am not in any shape yet for such things - working on it though.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    I barefoot walk/jog, thus my stride is very short.

    On the treadmill: walking 3.5-4mpg, jogging 5-5.5mpg. I tend to do intervals - 2 walk/2 run for roughly 30 min. Avg burn 250-300 cal.

    For me, going faster makes me unable to draw breath or walk later (my left knee hates me), worse case my feet/ankles hurt.

    I'm still "new" to anything but walking (can do a mile under 15min)
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    To speak to the incline setting, I've also read to set the incline at 1% - 2% to mimic outdoor conditions. But I don't. I tried that and I just don't like it and it was bothering my legs. So I leave it at 0% and guess what? I actually run faster outside! I think I underestimate my speed on the treadmill, so I figure it all evens out. My outdoor long runs are hilly and have been windy and cold and last week was 15 miles in sleet, so I figure I "earn" the easy 0% treadmill runs during the week!