Hello all. Big success so far!

I've been using MyFitnessPal for 3 weeks, and already am down 8 lbs to 180! I started the journey at 208, and starting to look a little worse for the wear. I plateaued at 188 on working out alone, then decided to find an app to help with diet. Can't believe the power you can get from tracking what you eat. I want to get down to around 170 at 5'10, and then stay between 170-180. My workouts consist of 2 boot-camp sessions a week (amazing results!) Weight Circuit one day, and running one or two days per week, total of 4-5 days per week since last November.

I'm just about ready for the Tough Mudder on June 1 in PA! Can't wait to see what I look like at 170. Hope the upper portion of a six pack, turns into a true one!