Need Motivation and Advice

I need a little bit of motivation. I joined a gym and have been doing the 90 day challenge. This week was our 6th weigh in. I have lost just under 10 lbs and 4% body fat. Before anyone starts laying into me about how good that is, first let me say that the first week I lost 6 lbs and then the next week was 2 lbs and the 3rd week was a 1lb or so. The last 3 weeks I haven't lost anything. First confession is, I haven't been tracking my food, but I do have an idea at what I've been eating, and I know I'm staying under my calorie goal. Or pretty close. I haven't been drinking soda or beer since we started, but I do drink tequila, but not always and not a lot. (More of a weekend social thing). My general workout routine is 5 days at the gym. I have been taking spin classes, barbell classes, zumba (my favorite), and have been doing my own thing for more cardio. That usually is 3 miles on the treadmill. 10-15 miles on the stationary bike, and usually 25 flights on the stair climber. When i'm in any class, or doing any of my workouts, I break a sweat every time. My muscles are sore, so I know something is happening, but I'm not losing anything. Oh, and the last bit to this is I'm drinking a ton of water. Probably 100+ ounces a day.

Needless to say, I'm beyond frustrated, and need some advice, motivation, and anything else you can give me. I do have a goal of May 11 to have lost 30 lbs, which when I started seemed obtainable, but no seems further out of reach. HELP?


  • AddyMaeMomma
    AddyMaeMomma Posts: 84 Member
    You need to log your food. Sometimes, you could have what you might think is a very light day, and then you put them into MFP and
    BAM! Calories all over the place. I think it will help you, because then you can see what needs to be cut or added to your diet to get as healthy as possible. Have you figured out how many calories you should be eating to lose .5 pounds a week (an obtainable goal)?
  • Agree with AddyMaeMomma. Tracking your food is critical. I know somebody who couldn't understand why they were not losing weight - they were eating all the right foods to lose weight, but it wasn't happening. It turns out that they were eating fruit salads, porridge, etc, but portion-wise - enough to feed 3 but counting it as a single portion. Start weighing out your food - it is amazing how little 40g or porridge is (and I would start witjh 40g porridge, 200ml skimmed milk and a small (tsp) dollop of jam every morning - you are starting your metabolism off with a good healthy, fiberous meal. Also, watch rice and pasta - 50-60g of each is a lot less than you think.

    You mentioned tequila - 1 of those is about the equivilent to a portion of french fries. So think about how many of those you are having and in your mind phink about the how many portions of french fries you would be happy to eat!!! Scary isn't it?

    I have lost about 36Ib since last October. I have weeks when I lose 2-3 Ibs, I have weeks when I lose 0.5-1 Ib and I have weeks when I lose nothing or add a few Ibs. That's how it goes, but aim to lose between 1-2Ib per week and that will be mainly fat you are losing.

    Oh, and by the way - you are doing great - just keep motivated - weight loss is in the head - if your head isn't right, you wont lose the weight.