abdutor machine



  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    good for your gym for not having that worthless piece of claptrap. you do not need four exercises (abduct, adduct, extend, curl) to work a muscle group that does one primary thing.

    Look for this machine. It's all you gonna need.


    you can thank me later

    ooooo I want one!!!! I went pricing equipment yesterday. OUCH!!!

    ETA; In the meantime, try this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/12570-30-day-squat-challenge-march-2013
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    agreed squats. Although i don't feel in on my inner thighs even when i do squats, lunges, deads, etc.

    The only thing that burns inbetween my thighs in the hip abductor machine. ;)

    Plié squats work my inner thigh
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I don't use the good girl/bad girl machines much because, but here's one opinion on them:

  • AmandaW01
    AmandaW01 Posts: 138
    Thanks guys, I thought maybe it was just me wanting to run before I can walk! It seems to be a standard thing at my gym - they really try to dissuade you from using freeweights unless you're a beefed up guy - there are seriously NO women in the freeweight area and I've heard the trainers telling other people that they prefer you to work with machines for at least 6 months before you try squats etc... Of course you 'can' do it, but if you do then its a bit silly (so they tell me). I'm going to put my foot down soon - I've been working out at home with NROLFW but would like to use the proper squat racks and will need bigger weights as I get stronger. It makes so much more sense to me to do compound lifts with freeweights than working with the machines all the time - although I do need to try those low squats for the inner thighs :-)
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    agreed squats. Although i don't feel in on my inner thighs even when i do squats, lunges, deads, etc.

    The only thing that burns inbetween my thighs in the hip abductor machine. ;)

    Try a low-bar squat with your legs and feet at about 30 degree angles, and get your thighs below parallel. You'll feel it.


    I am stealing this photo and posting it everywhere :love: :love: :love:
  • Tyggress73
    Tyggress73 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks guys, I thought maybe it was just me wanting to run before I can walk! It seems to be a standard thing at my gym - they really try to dissuade you from using freeweights unless you're a beefed up guy - there are seriously NO women in the freeweight area and I've heard the trainers telling other people that they prefer you to work with machines for at least 6 months before you try squats etc... Of course you 'can' do it, but if you do then its a bit silly (so they tell me). I'm going to put my foot down soon - I've been working out at home with NROLFW but would like to use the proper squat racks and will need bigger weights as I get stronger. It makes so much more sense to me to do compound lifts with freeweights than working with the machines all the time - although I do need to try those low squats for the inner thighs :-)

    How stupid. And discouraging. Can you fire your trainer and get another one? Geez....

    I am one of several girls at my gym that hit the freeweights area. Regularly and HARD. We work out right alongside the guys, and honestly, we are respected for it...none of the guys care that we are there. We are talked to the same as the rest of the guys, we are all "part of the club" if you know what I mean.

    I can't believe your trainer would discourage you from using freeweights. What an *kitten*~!!!
  • andrea464
    andrea464 Posts: 238 Member
    Get a punch dummy and get to kicking him in the side. Holy hell- my trainer had me do that last night and that's the one muscle group that is sore. I don't know how many squats we did (A LOT) but my inner thighs is what hurts from that new move!
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    agreed squats. Although i don't feel in on my inner thighs even when i do squats, lunges, deads, etc.

    The only thing that burns inbetween my thighs in the hip abductor machine. ;)

    Plié squats work my inner thigh

    So agree on the plie squats...also do same type of thing on the leg press machine..point toes outwards so your heels form a "V"...squeeze together on the way up.....burns and aches the next day :)
  • Did squats yesterday as part of SL 5x5...can feel it in quads, hams, abs, back, glutes, pretty much everywhere....really hard to sit down and stand up today....but it feels GREAT
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    good for your gym for not having that worthless piece of claptrap. you do not need four exercises (abduct, adduct, extend, curl) to work a muscle group that does one primary thing.

    Look for this machine. It's all you gonna need.


    you can thank me later

    Ohhh!! :love: :love: :love: That's a purty curl rack!!!! :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    my gym does not posses this machine....... so any other alternative for this workout for thighs?

    Buy the ankle cuffs and use those on the cable machine. It actually works better than the ab/adductor machines. Also you can do the back kicks with it too. Those really isolate the butt.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    Buy the ankle cuffs and use those on the cable machine. It actually works better than the ab/adductor machines. Also you can do the back kicks with it too. Those really isolate the butt.

    ankle cuffs are a terrific idea. but not for no gym
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    There's another exercise you can do in addition to squats. Lie on the floor on your side like you're going to do a side plank. Bring your top leg forward so your heel is facing the wall in front of you, and lift. The higher you lift, the better. Grab an 8lb and rest it on your outer thigh to give it more resistance. Repeat on the other side. Using your own body weight is a better option anyway :)
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member

    Omg that's a thing of beauty :-) I'm still trying to convince my trainer at the gym to let me off the damned machines and onto the freeweights (which I'm using at home!!!) Apparently I have to 'build up muscle strength before trying to lift free weights' - only another 3 months left on my contract ;-)

    ^^ get rid of this trainer they're an idiot lol..

    They already said it but barbell compound lifts with do the trick with less social awkwardness lol
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    ankle cuffs are a terrific idea. but not for no gym

    Tee hee :D
  • good for your gym for not having that worthless piece of claptrap. you do not need four exercises (abduct, adduct, extend, curl) to work a muscle group that does one primary thing.

    Look for this machine. It's all you gonna need.


    you can thank me later
    whats the purpose of the front part? wont the barbell hit that when you squat down?
  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    good for your gym for not having that worthless piece of claptrap. you do not need four exercises (abduct, adduct, extend, curl) to work a muscle group that does one primary thing.

    Look for this machine. It's all you gonna need.


    you can thank me later
    whats the purpose of the front part? wont the barbell hit that when you squat down?

    The bar on the front is adjustable for height. While I haven't engineered a weight rack, I bet that the bar would be nice to have if you are planning on missing a rep.
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    thanks guys for such great response........

    for the people who are being said not to do free weights ........... even my trainer says so but the reason behind him saying this is that our skin expands if we lift heavy using free weights or machines......... he is dead against lifting heavy since he says the moment u stop lifting your skin expands and there will be inch gain

    IS HE RIGHT...... ?......... Should i klift heavy or just do cardio according to him.......... advice please
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    good for your gym for not having that worthless piece of claptrap. you do not need four exercises (abduct, adduct, extend, curl) to work a muscle group that does one primary thing.

    Look for this machine. It's all you gonna need.


    you can thank me later
    i do have this smiths machine in my gym but with a different architecture....... will definitely try it out.......if my above comment u say that it is fine to lift heavy and your skin wont expant after leaving it
  • RobinV_Seattle
    RobinV_Seattle Posts: 191 Member
    good for your gym for not having that worthless piece of claptrap. you do not need four exercises (abduct, adduct, extend, curl) to work a muscle group that does on primary thing.

    Look for this machine. It's all you gonna need.


    you can thank me later

    Omg that's a thing of beauty :-) I'm still trying to convince my trainer at the gym to let me off the damned machines and onto the freeweights (which I'm using at home!!!) Apparently I have to 'build up muscle strength before trying to lift free weights' - only another 3 months left on my contract ;-)

    That's so funny - I've had two different personal trainers and, with the exception of occasionally using the TRX or cable systems (and the calf-lift one for my shin splints,) it's always free weights, kettlebells or body weight. I wouldn't know how to use most of the machines if I had to.