Springing SIXERS week 3



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good hump day morning....

    lula....sounds like a plan. check out some herbal things and see if there isn't anything there that can help some with hormone levels. you will do just fine. you are in my prayers.
    amy(s) way to go on the inches. wait until you have to buy new cloths.
    amylou....hows school. getting a little nervous about graduation?
    kristen...i just love spring. i like walking outside. but, where we live it's on a busy 2 lane country road with a speed limit of 45.did it once. was scary. ready to begin hiking again with the girls maybe this or next weekend. found a couple new places. it suppose to be in the 80's.
    frogy....how are you doing?
    kel....sounds like you are feeling better, hows the wedding plans?
    b....how are you doing with "boys". are you back at the gym? come on now.
    everyone else hope you are doing great?

    nothing on the calendar for today. treadmill, cleaning, puzzle. just a normal do nothing day. maybe i will look for a job. found out yesterday, son's unemployment is still a no show and they put down the wrong check in date for him. he has waited 11 weeks to get it. filed feb 18, they put down he filed march something. so now they are having to redo it. he's getting ready to lose his rental and have his power and elec turned off. he is now working with higher up people on it. reason given was the guy lost it on his desk. big mess. please keep him in your prayers he gets his unemployment. we can't help him anymore. he gets food stamps now.
    another pretty day here, work in the gardens and find something to do outside.

  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    Amylou- Way to go !!! the right direction ! keep it up girl

    Lorna-- Ahhhhh That would drive me crazy if my doc didnt want to TRY to find an answer without surgery ! and i seriously think they over-use the pill ! YOU ARE RIGHT ! you are doing it for you and for your family .... keep reminding yourself that NO JUNK will taste as great as being the weight you want to be ! You are doing fabulous ! keep it up ! im proud of you

    Cathy-- Thanks so much! I def. cannot wait to get into my huge stack of 20's ! im in 22's now.... down from 24's when i first had the baby...... so its exciting.... i have a HUGE Stack saved to look at in the closet each day! really great looking jeans ! my shirts will all still fit pretty well..... for a little while.... but it IS DEF. EXCITING ! i will be prayin for your son ! poor thing... that is so tough !!! those people need better organization skills! seriously!


    I unofficially saw 263 this morning AHHHHHHHHH one of the lowest weights ive been since wyatt was born.... I am getting so excited.... 11 more lbs and ill be to pre-pregnancy weight (252) ..... Pushing hard this week..... doing my firm five days this week..... walk twice...... and do my points everyday !

    So so so so so excited to get out of the 260's ......... SOON SOON ! i keep telling myself ..... push hard and keep moving on !!!!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning girlies!

    Amy(baha)...YAY! You are SO close to pre-pregnancy weight!!! We will both get there! And awesome job on the inches gone! That is an AMAZING feeling! I should start taking my measurements again! At least around my baby belly! Good job!

    Lorna...It is a struggle still for me to stay away from the junk! But we can do it! I know that in the past I had avoided all that junky food, and then when I did eat it, it wasn't even so good to me anymore! Fast food would make me sick! I need to get my body back to that! Although sweets have ALWAYS been good to me...that will forever be my weakness! But you definitely have the right motivation...your family. That's what I always keep in the back of my mind also...I don't want Kadence growing up thinking that it's okay to eat all kinds of junk and be lazy and un-active! I want her to have a good example! Now, if I could only get my husband to be the same...

    Cathy...Yeah...I don't think I'd be walking on a scary road like that either, but hiking is great exercise! I love to go hiking when I'm out at my parents...and Kadence likes it too! I will for sure keep your son in my prayers.

    AmyLou...YAY for the loss!! It's hard when you're busy with school, so you're definitely doing a good job!

    To everyone else...hello!!

    Well...I had a great night last night! Went on a walk with Kadence, did my 15 minute lower body workout, had a wonderful dinner, and relaxed a little on the couch!

    Here's the plan for today:
    B-oatmeal, 1/2 c. skim milk, 2 c. coffee, 4 tbsp. sugar-free creamer
    S-trail mix bar, banana
    L-Leftover homemade baked ziti, baby carrots, light yogurt
    S-golden delicious apple
    D-Leftover homemade salsa chicken with brown rice and green beans
    S-1/2 anjou pear

    Workout plan:
    2 mile walk with Kadence, 15 minute Ab workout

    Have a great morning all!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    OMG! So many updates, gosh its going to take me awhile to get through all these personals! haha!

    Kristin - Great job last night! Your consistent and hard efforts are def. showing you lower numbers on the scale! Gratz!!!!! :D

    AMY- OMG! KEEP GOING! YOUR DOING SOOO GREAT! I am sooooo excited for you :bigsmile: I can't wait to see some updated pics when you reach your pre pregnancy weight. I am going to update when I reach 190 as I will officially be down 30 pounds then! p.s. I love seeing your statuses and such on FB they keep me motivated all day long! GRATZ ON LOSING THE INCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet your down a pants size!

    Cathy - haha "Boys" aren't even on my mind this morning. The break-up has been hard on me because I really did like/care about Alex, and I NEVER wanted to hurt him, and it is never fun to feel alone. But I am doing better today than I have in the last week! :tongue: I went to the gym twice last week, but I don't think I am going to get to go at all this week until next Tuesday, between finals, cleaning house, and getting ready for my brother's Eagle ceremony/party with his friends, and his grad party that we are all doing at the house this weekend, there just isnt any time! How are you and DH? I will CERTAINLY keep your son in my prayers! That is such a tough situation:cry:

    lula- *hugs hugs and more hugs* I feel like you are always fighting one battle or another, and for that I give you massive props because you are still on the site, and you are still fighting your hardest! YOU ROCK!!! And I know, I am soooo excited about being out of the 200's for the first time in 2 years!!! Now to reach my pre pregnancy weight... :angry: (145 was my pre pregnancy weight haha so I have a long ways to go, I hope to make my goal weight of 160 in late fall!)

    Kel - Gratz on the weight loss!!!

    For everyone else, I am sorry if I miss you! Your in my thoughts and prayers! Hope everyone has a good day today!!

    So today I woke up, and was instantly in a better mood! Wanna know why? last night I SCRUBBED and perfectly organized my closet, and my bathroom! It looks perfect, and I have picked up my main room a LOT! so I woke up to a perfect bathroom and closet, and a pretty nice room! It really picked up my mood, just like the book said it would! Going to finish my main room tonight and then vacuum and shampoo my carpet :)

    I have my 2nd final tonight. I want to get a B on it, so I am praying to the final gods :P, I havent been to the gym this week, and I probably wont be able to go until next tuesday. Between finals, projects, cleaning house, cooking, baking, and decorating. There just isnt any time left in the day to go to the gym. My brother is having his eagle ceremony/party on Saturday, and his grad party on Sunday. And we have family arriving and staying with us starting friday and ending monday. So there is soooo much to do, and so little time. But it will be okay cuz I am going to make sure I consume all my water and the right foods so that I can lose another pound!

    Well thats it from me for now, have a good day everyone!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    hope everyone is out and about enjoying the pretty weather?????
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    Hello All,

    Sorry no time for personals right now, but thought I would check in.

    I had a great day yesterday 3 miles with Walk away the pounds DVD, which is a first so far only done the 2 mile but now I know I can do the 3.

    Today is a little bit crazy went to lunch with my sister in law and did pretty good had a salad to start and ate only 1/2 of my sandwich and ordered veggies instead of fries so I was proud of myself.

    Hubby is home from work so that is always odd, but very helpful since he picked up when Abby went down for her nap.

    But gotta run because I have 3 bags of old baby clothes to go through and would like to get through the box in the bathroom tonight as well. I am doing a purge before we move and getting rid of alot of items.

    Hope to hop on later.

  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    Bahamomma87 - I never would have uttered the words "diet" while pregnant either until my doctor said I should lose a few pounds =(. Prepreg I "think" I was 145. We weren't planning so I attributed any extra weight gain to tons of egg nog over the month of December =D Anyway, I was about 145 and I am in the 170s already in my 5th month. My only concern is the wellness of my baby. The Dr said obesity can cause premature birth, gestational diabetes and in the long run cause my child to have weight issues. Well geez. Ain't that a lot of pressure?

    Congrats on your measurements btw! That is so awesome!

    KristinBee - I am actually due September 7th! Which is kind of emotional for me because my grandad died last June and his birthday is September 3rd. He raised me so he was more my father than anything, but now I feel like it is also such a blessing to be have our baby due so close to his birthday =D "then I'm going to work towards hitting my goal weight that I was headed towards before becoming pregnant!" This is exactly what I will be doing once our little one comes. Your baby is beautiful! We didn't interact much, but I was part of the sixers group back when you were pregnant. It's crazy how time flies and she is already here.

    I think my main problem in the beginning was I had that icky morning sickness, all day, everyday even in the beginning of the second trimester. So on the occassion I DID crave something, I HAD TO HAVE IT. I admit I haven't made the healthiest of choices but do try. I think my other issues is that I have been sitting a lot these past few months. I have been so bombarded with school work that I haven't made the time to go work out. I take my dog for walks and when I am walking on campus I try to do a brisk walk to get my heart rate up. I am going to try more and more to force myself to do more, I always just feel so pressured with school work. 4 more weeks to go and I am praying that I pass my darn math class.

    Even though I am pregnant, I know if I become more active on the board again I will be held accountable and also find out healthy things to make at home. That is my other issue. I am a terrible cook and lack creativity. I am trying to make healthy meals, especially on the go.
  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    Kristin-- i think you should totally re-take your measurements... i try to take them monthly!!! I like when im in that junk tastes bad mode too... its hard to get there... but so worth it once your there! so proud of you with your walking and your workouts! I love your meal plans! way to go! i write mines down on paper all day so i sometimes forget to write it down on here too! LOL !

    B- my buddy!!! awww im so happy to know that my FB statuses help you .... They help me sometimes LoL ! i love quotes! .... You are doing so great miss under 200 hehe.... i am so so so proud of you! and way to go on cleaning up your environment! I find that clean and organized spaces make me feel better about myself as well! yay for your brothers eagle ceremony! ahhh your almost to 190 ... when i reach 252 ... im going to take some more pics ! so like 11 more lbs for me till my next photo shoot!

    CAthy - I was out enjoying the beautiful weather hehe ... hope you had a great day

    Tracy-- i love walk away the lbs too ! Proud of you for your food choices ! XO Good for you for sifting through stuff you dont need!

    candycaneps- Everyone is so different... my mom was 130 when she got pregnant and gained 50 lbs with both prgnancies and came out the hospital looking FABULOUS !.... one of my best friends went into her first pregnancy at 145 and ended up in the 190's .... but came out of the hospital down to 150 or so ... so EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT.... i agree the health of the baby is important.... but sometimes YOU Gaining doesnt necessarily mean the baby is gaining THAT much .... take it ffrom me ... i was 252 lbs when i got pregnant... went up to 277 delivery day ..... came out hospital around 265 or so .... and i had gestational diabetes.... went on the hard-core gestational diabetes diet throughout the end of my pregnancy ..... and my babe was 7 lbs 6 oz ... perfect ! so make healthy choices when you can ..... do your walks with your doggy as you are doing... focus on doing good in school ... and your baby will be fine ! XOXOXO we are here for you throughout! XO
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning ladies...

    quite around here lately. i see everyone is plugging along. i already did a 30 min. last chance workout with jillian on exercise on demand. good workout. laundry going and cleaning out and rearranging kitchen cupboards today.
    i was looking back in my weight/exercise book. a year ago i weighed 206, and in march 09 i was 202. i can't believe i let life get to me like that. but, i don't look back at it as a downer, just as a motivator to try not let it happen again. that i have control now. the food didn't help the situation at the time. i have to keep that in mind.

    hope everyone has a great day. off to do my morning routine on the computer and head to the kitchen.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    GOOD morning!

    Cathy...I KNOW!!! I was looking back at my old meal plans and what not...makes me sad! I used to workout for 2 plus hours daily and burned at LEAST 1000 calories! Now, I am lucky if I burn 400. WOW how life can change! But at least we are doing something about it now...we WILL get back to where we were!

    Candycaneps...Sorry...I should have remembered you were on the boards while I was pregnant...trust me, once you're a mom, your brain becomes a mess! :) I gained 50 pounds while pregnant (did I already say that?) and I had a healthy 7 pound 11 ounce beautiful baby girl! So, don't let the weight gain get you down. You will be fine. LIke Amy said, just continue with walking and try not to stress over school. I know about the sickness. Although I didn't actually get sick much, I felt sick every day WELL into the second trimester, which kept me from exercising. I spent most of my time on the couch (when I wasn't struggling to stay at work). I actually lost a bit of weight at first since I couldn't eat anything. But then I was feeling better and ate WAY too much. I sometimes had ice cream twice a day! That's where I went wrong. So, just try to not let yourself eat EVERYTHING, and you should be fine. We're all here for support and any questions you might have, feel free to ask!

    To everyone else...GOOD MORNING!!!

    Here's the plan for today:
    B-oatmeal,1/2 c. skim milk, 2 c. coffee, 4 tbsp. sugar-free creamer
    S-Kashi dark mocha almond bar
    L-Leftover homemade Baked Ziti, baby carrots, light yogurt
    S-golden delicious apple
    D-Homemade honey-lime pork chop, red potatos and corn.
    S-1 c. fresh strawberries with 2 tbsp. chocolate syrup...YUM!

    Exercise plan:
    2 mile walk with Kadence (if the wind dies down) and 15 minute upper body!

    Have a good morning all!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    So I am exhausted, and I have a hell of a day ahead of me, I have a cultural anthropology exam @ 1:30, then a dentist appointment in Ann Arbor (which is close to 2 hours away from my school, and I have to go out there to the University because that is where it is cheapest to get my wisdom teeth removed, and this is my preliminary appointment), then back to school for an exam @ 6:00 (which I think I am going to fail). And in between all of that there are errands and more cleaning. Gah, and to top it all off I didnt fall asleep until 4 am last night, and woke up @ 8:30. So I am truly exhausted already. My day is going to be SOOOOOO long. So wish me luck!

    Will have to do personals later no time right now, gotta get my butt in the shower!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    b...turn your attitude around and you will have a great day. just think how can i make the lemonade out of the lemons given to me today. positive thinking gets positive results. use the time wisely and you will be surprised. you will pass both your exams. have faith in yourself. have a great day......
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Wowza! Slow day on the boards! Hope everyone is having a good one!

    I am getting ready to go get Kadence. Then, to the grocery store and general nutrition store (for Fenugreek). Then home to feed Kadence and hopefully get in a walk! And tonight is a new episode of Greys!!! (Anyone else a fan?) So, should be a good night!

    Have a good evening all!!!!
  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    Today is my once a month .... pig out day !! not over amounts ! i still pointed... and i have still measured everything LOL ! ..... but i ate an ounce of chips, slice of wheat toast with jam, tbsp peanuts, two chocolate kisses, and lots of water! and we are having pizza for dinner!

    Tom arrived with a vengeance ... so i named the day after he arrives ... my "Eat some yummy junky tom soothing foods" day !

    I think if you look forward to one day a month where you can eat some things you havent been eating ! you will find you actually dont pig out as much as you had thought you would ! so its nice ! ...... Im having a garden salad tonight with veggie pizza.... and more water !

    Tomorrow starts week two of the firm .... and back to hard-core pointing ! hehe.... !

    Tonight i plan on doing a yoga booty pajama time workout to release some muscle tension ! where Tom also brought Mrs. CRAMPS.... and Miss BACKACHE along with him .....
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    amy(baha) shanell (my DD) and i use to do that when were WW years ago. we weighed in on tuesday nights and ate what ever we wanted for dinner. we would save our cravings for that night. it was just the night. the DH's would fix what we wanted while we were at the meeting. it worked well.

    it is dinner time. tummy hungry tonight. have a good one, see y'all in the morning.
  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    Cathy -- yea my mom and I did that as well ! i just dont want to do it weekly! so monthly is good for me ! hehe ! today i needed it and i actually didnt OVER-do it at all ! here is my menu (beware... no protein LOL)

    B- 1 cup fruit loops, 1/2 cup 2% milk
    S- 1 oz reduced fat ruffles
    L- 2 slices whole wheat bread, 1 tsp low sugar strawberry jam
    S- 1 tbsp dry roasted, unsalted peanuts
    D- 3 small slices of veggie pizza

    Lots of water ......

    So that was my overly junkie day HAHA ! .....
    Onto tomorrow with the firm AND hardcore pointing !
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    B - I hope your day went well. I agree with Cathy. Sometimes attitude is the only thing we can control, even though for me it sometimes feels the most out of control thing in my world :) (HUGS)

    BAHA - I agree with the whole one day of "blowing it", but unfortunately I can no longer do that as I have no "turn off" switch. I hope you are able to rest and that your TOM gives you a break.

    Kristin - I have heard alot about Grey's but don't have room on my TiVO for one more recording :laugh: My DH is already unhappy when I delete his stuff because it is preventing me from my shows. Hope you got in a nice, good walk.

    For me, I went to my PCP yesterday and he seems proactive to my problems. Gave me a prescription diuretic to help with the swelling. My abdomen is really distended as well as my legs, so we will see. I am going for some serious blood work this morning (he is doing hormones, liver, thyroid, CBC, CMP, the works). Hopefully this will help things out. Only problem is I have to be fasting, which wouldn't be a problem if I didn't get up until like 7 or so and could get over there at 9. But I got up for work at 3 a.m., and can't get to the lab until 11, and stopped eating at 8 p.m. Already packing a snack to take with me to the lab so I can start eating as they withdrawal the needle.

    Hope you guys have a great day. I'll try and pop on this weekend, but you know how that goes.

    Continue with all your great successes as I need all your positivity to keep me motivated (how selfish am i) Later days.
  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    Lorna-- awww I used to be like that ALL the time... where one little bad meal would set me off onto a week long bad eating spree.... BUT i made myself try to still be kinda good yesterday...... despite feeling SO awful ...... and im back on track this morning so i feel pretty proud ! .... so glad they gave you a Rx for the swelling ! WOW 3am for work ?!?!? girl what time do you have to be at work??? HUGS to you ! hope the blood work figures things out for you!

    Just completed my day one week two of my firm wave ! I feel great ! still a bit crampy .... but i feel so great knowing now i can relax the rest of the day!

    My mom them come back today ! i miss them so much when they are away ! but they deserved the get-away!

    Last night, wyatt fell to his grampa and got a big ole goose egg on his forehead ! thankfully the swelling had gone down by bedtime ! man thats scary! but he was alert, no grogginess, no vomiting, and his pupils dilated with the flashlight ! so Dr. Mom said he would be A-OK !

    BE back laterz
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning....

    had popcorn for my snack last night, so scale was up. don't know why that happens but it does. mowing the yards today. ipod ready, HR ready. i am ready, just need to wait for a good hour. don't want to piss off the neighbors.

    amy(baha)...my DD was the accident prone one. she has had blood poisoning 3 times as i can recall, many trips to the ER, broken bones. she is the one who can't talk and walk at the same time. yes she is blonde too. her youngest DD is the same way. ER trips, concussions, split lips, scars from a dog bite in the face, (and she still puts her face to a dogs face). no stiches yet or broken bones, but than she is only 7. hahaha.
    lula.....i just sent up a prayer that they find the reason for you. good luck.

    well, off to dress and begin my yard work back later....
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey all!

    No time for personals...need to get started on some work, but wanted to say hello!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning!

    Lorna - Sending prayers that they find an easy solution to your health problems!

    I decided to not officially weigh in this week. TOM is scheduled to come tomorrow, so I look and feel bloated. I really need to drink ALL my water today! Did get in lots of good exercise yesterday. Walked/ran to pick up kids from school. Still ran only about 1/4 of the 0.7 miles there, but went a few feet further this time. Ran a little faster than normal since I was about 3 minutes late leaving the house. Then we met up with friends at the park yesterday evening for the kids to play while the 3 adults take turns walking laps around the trail. Didn't run there, but in all, I walked/ran 3.5 miles yesterday! :bigsmile: But, boy am I feeling it this morning!! lol
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Kristin - HUGE FAN OF GREYS! AND PRIVATE PRACTICE! (watching em right now!!! haha!!!)

    Amy - awww poor baby! he did well though!

    Cathy - have fun walking the lawn!

    Lula - good luck!

    Anyone else sorry i missed ya!

    I got the hiccups. but I am good, a lot better today than yesterday. I shampooed my carpet in my room last night at 145 in the morning haha. my room looks great, and I feeel great being in it! been doing great on calories. yesterday I felt a little low on water... but today so far so good! Just tired. This weekend is going to be a chaotic one but i will def. still log on and read!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    just burned 1720 mowing lawns. now i am resting, already had shower. than i am eating some lunch.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Cathy...WOW 1720 is GREAT!!! Definitely get some rest in and PLENTY of water!

    B...Yes, I watch Private Practice also! Both were REALLY good last night and next week looks good too!

    Amy (pyr)...good job with all the walking! Sometimes it can be even more productive than running, so don't beat yourself up!

    Amy (baha)...glad Wyatt is okay. It's always scary when they take a tumble! And enjoy the splurge days every now and then. I don't give myself a particular day, but if we have some special occasion or something, I don't beat myself up if I indulge a bit!

    Everyone else...hello! Hope you're having a good Friday!

    Here's the meal plan for today:
    B-oatmeal, 1/2 c. skim milk, 2 c. coffee, 4 tbsp. sugar-free creamer
    S-trail mix bar, fruit crisp bar
    L-Spinach salad with grilled red peppers, zucchini, and partabello mushrooms with fat-free tomato basil dressing (out to eat with co-workers), 1 fried mushroom and very tiny 1/2 slice of pumpkin bread...perfect portion!
    S-golden delicious apple
    D-Something with chicken...not sure yet...
    S-Probably strawberries with Cool whip free

    Exercise plan:
    Well...it's raining, so probably no walk, but for sure my 15 minute Ab workout. Maybe a treadmill run!

    Heading home early today. Our kitchen light went out last night and it's not the bulb so I need to figure out what's going on! Hope you all have a great weekend!!!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    checking in ladies!! Weight is pretty stagnant. got discouraged for a while but I'm back focused now... My sis ( DR tamm) just bought a house!!!! :-D So happy for her.

    I also signed up for a race on May 16 = 10 K ... short notice but I should be able to crank out 6 miles. ;) Hope you are all doing well!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    have a great weekend everyone.....
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    In the past 14 days, I've run 8 of them! :bigsmile: Part of it was uphill too. Not much, but it's a start!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    run amy and tiff, run....

    everyone must be out and bout. hope y'all are enjoying your day.
  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    well i weighed this morning ... since TOM left this morning .... and guess what i saw ???

    268 ?!?!?!?

    WTH??? lol ..... All i can put it to ... is with all these hard-core FIRM workouts.... im gaining muscle... and losing inches because I LOOK soooo DIFFERENT ! and feel sooooo different... and all my clothes are getting huge on me... so i know it cant be weight gained.... im pushing forward no matter what the number says..... it just wasnt that great to see..... I like it to go in the opposite direction.....

    Im going to be a little stricter the next few days pointing... and see if that and drinking some more water will help !!!! havent been doing as great with water...... but i know I cannot be have gained 5 lbs since i weighed in friday morning at 263 ..... must be a mixture of muscle and water weight !

    have a great sunday girls !
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    well i weighed this morning ... since TOM left this morning .... and guess what i saw ???

    268 ?!?!?!?

    WTH??? lol ..... All i can put it to ... is with all these hard-core FIRM workouts.... im gaining muscle... and losing inches because I LOOK soooo DIFFERENT ! and feel sooooo different... and all my clothes are getting huge on me... so i know it cant be weight gained.... im pushing forward no matter what the number says..... it just wasnt that great to see..... I like it to go in the opposite direction.....

    Im going to be a little stricter the next few days pointing... and see if that and drinking some more water will help !!!! havent been doing as great with water...... but i know I cannot be have gained 5 lbs since i weighed in friday morning at 263 ..... must be a mixture of muscle and water weight !

    have a great sunday girls !
    Amy, hi its me Verda!!! I am still reading daily of the sixers group!! I want to tell you YAY for not giving up! I agree with you drinking LOTS of water especially with the workouts you are doing. Your body is holding water Not only from the TOM but your muscle are absorbing more to grow so you MUST drink MORE of it while doing any exercise especially exercising daily for a long period of time!! Also put some lemon jiuce in the water or all natural cranberry juice (without any sugar in it), they help flush your system!!! Keep at it sweetie you are doing what you are suppose to do to drop the weight!!! HUGS!!!!
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