I'm back :(

BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
So after going from 170 to my goal of 125 I lost my motivation to continue to eat correctly and work out occasionally (man I hate working out! Lol) and managed to pile almost all my weight back on. 164 as of today. Highly disappointed in myself but I'm back on MFP and ready to lose this weight again. I'm in my senior year of college and extremely busy but I definitely need to get my butt back in shape! :) Any support is welcome!


  • pinkcurry
    I have lost and gained too .. Especially in college. That's why I'm here :smile:

    Let's do this together!
  • FernieEirk
    FernieEirk Posts: 17 Member
    Don't worry, your not the only one who is back. I just started again on Monday after I weighed myself and saw that I was 150 -> that is a 14 pound gain :( 136 was my lowest and last weight I had updated on MFP. College and work is hard but I going to try again and try even harder to be 130.... which has been my goal since forever :) but feel free to add me, could use some motivation too :)
  • kelkin1111
    kelkin1111 Posts: 6 Member
    Just be positive and pick yourself back up and try again. Learn from your mistakes- and you can do it!
  • dollbud40
    dollbud40 Posts: 118 Member
    Hello! I am back also! I recently gained 10lbs! It happens!We can do this! You can add me as a friend!