No More Excuses -- Week 25

justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support

Big week for Hawkeye and Galina!

I tried to gracefully move into maintenance mode, but all I seemed to do is gain weight, so I am going to tweek my settings to lose a pound a week and see where that takes me going forward.

OK, who's turn is it to come up with this week's challenge?


  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Thanks for the chart Jack and keeping up with this for everyone!

    Since I threw out a few challenges last week, I will give someone else the opportunity.

  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Evening all...Had a busy day today. My dad grilled steaks so I went over on my calories today. I hope to be back at the gym tomorrow. I went for a walk after dinner but I'm sure it didn't take care of the steak and potato and cake and... Anyway tomorrow is a new day. Hope you all have a great one.

    Jack...Thanks for the chart.

    My challenge this week for myself is to exercise every day, even if it is something small. I am trying to get back on the exercise wagon after being sick. I also am not drinking enough water. That is a constant challenge for me.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Just got back from step aerobics and burned 626 cals. My challenge for myself is to eat more fruits and veggies. So if anyone wants to jump on, and post each day if they accomplished it or not.

    Hope to do Jillian's 30 day shred tomorrow. Haven't done it in ages, the only thing is that I don't burn many cals doing it.

    Thanks for the chart Jack.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    So self Challenge week. I like that.

    My challenge will be to exercise the rest of the week, and to stay under my calorie total.

    BTW, had a good weigh-in today. I was back at goal weight. I am guessing I hit the sodium a little too hard over the weekend.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning all!!!

    Congrats to Galina and Hawkeye!!! WTG!!!

    Everyone else seems like they are getting back to it as well. I didn't do too bad yesterday, but didn't make it to curves as a re-scheduled track meet came up that I needed to work concessions. At least I stayed away from all the pretzels, and cookies that I was making!! !;)

    My self challenge this week is going to be more active. My son (who is studying to be an athletic trainer) tells me that I am okay with what I am eating but need to do more than just curves. SO......Going to try and do the treadmill or wii at night after curves this week! Tonight I have twirling a well, so it may be late but I will do one of the other activities as well!!!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all, Just finished doing Jillians 30 day shred level 1, and man am I weak in my arms. Was using 5 lb weights, and had to take breaks with the arms. Managed to burn 275 cals thru the whole thing.

    Have to work on books again today, and the weather is still cold and dreary. So will be another day inside.

    Had a piece of fruit with my breakfast a banana, so hopefully get 1 more fruit in and some raw veggies this afternoon.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hi team...I am forcing myself back to the gym today. It is soooo hard to go back. I don't wanna but I'm gonna. Hopefully it will get easier again??? TTYL.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    My self challenge is not to eat after 8:00 p.m. and especially not to drink alcohol until Friday night! A girl has to have something to look forward to
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    My self challenge is not to eat after 8:00 p.m. and especially not to drink alcohol until Friday night! A girl has to have something to look forward to

    I love the 8:00 deadline thing!!!! WOW....I don't think we ate dinner tonight until almost then!!! Had twirling so didn't get home until almost 7. However, hubby and I took a 1.7 mile walk after dinner so that helped!! ;)

    I may have to adopt your challenge. The alcohol thing is not an issue for me. I love wine and margaritas but I just don't drink as much as I used too!!!! I guess that is a good thing! HA! I could maybe have a glass of wine as a reward if I am good all wekk. That would be a nice treat!!!

    Thanks for the time idea!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Evening team....Almost beddy bye time!!! As I stated above hubby and I went for a long quick walk after dinner so I am sticking to my "extra" excercise challenge as I did make it to curves as well. Then had twirling. It is amazing how much better I feel when I do all this vs. coming home and plopping in front of the TV all night. HOWEVER.....I did have to watch the Dancing with The Stars Result show. I had a feeling it would be Jake that would have to say goodbye. Enjoyed him for the time he was on. I still wish Pamela would get gone!!!! I am just really really really glad that Kate is off! Here I am babbling and don't know if any of you even watch DWTS. I never used to, but got hooked when Marie Osmond was on it!

    Tomorrow I have to go to our local college and conduct a few moch interviews for the business class. That should be fun!

    Talk to you all tomorrow and hope you have a restful night!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning all...I made it to the gym yesterday and felt so much better. Today will be biking with the hubby or maybe a walk/run. I'm sure that my C25K will be just like starting over. Off to type. Hope you all have a good day!
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Happy hump day everyone,

    Sounds ilke several of you have had quite the active week thus far! I bought a new and more accurate HRM this past Sunday, so I am not burning as many calories as before. I guess that's a good thing since it prevents me from eating haphazardly just to cosume the extra ones I get.

    Have a great rest of the week and weekend.

  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Morning team!!!! Well here we are at Wednesday already. These weeks just fly by!

    Gonna have a busy day again today. Hope my knee holds out. I was opening the door to the gym last night and had to brace it with me knee to pull my key out but I hit it really hard right on the door where the metal frame meets the glass...OUCH!!!! It is still sore this morning!

    Well off to get busy. Have a great day!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Morning team!!!! Well here we are at Wednesday already. These weeks just fly by!

    Gonna have a busy day again today. Hope my knee holds out. I was opening the door to the gym last night and had to brace it with me knee to pull my key out but I hit it really hard right on the door where the metal frame meets the glass...OUCH!!!! It is still sore this morning!

    Well off to get busy. Have a great day!

    I hope you knee feels better today:flowerforyou:
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Good day all, had a good day yesturday. Got in my fruit and veggies. Today might not be so well, but I did have a 6" subway club, with pickles and greenpeppers. But having fattening sausage and perogies with homemade mushroom sauce. Decided to have that tonight since I am off to step aerobics tonight.

    Extremely windy here today, so can't do much outside. Was busy running around the farm this moring then had to run for parts. Just got back to town, and now must work on some books. But would rather curl up on the couch and read. But I guess I can do that after aerobics tonight. Think I have to run to Yorkton tomorrow (an hour away) for parts again. So will prob end up having fast food tomorrow for lunch. Prob won't get in a workout tomorrow, unless I do it in the evening, but is hard to do with hubby around.

    Well I must get to work, hope everyone is having a good day.

    PS - man is my body stiff and sore. I feel like someone beat up my legs.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Evening all...Just got back from riding bikes with the family. It was an enjoyable ride, not too hard. I was under calories for the day and got in all of my water, yeah! I told my hubby since I did everything right for one day I expected to be five pounds lighter in the morning:laugh: Tomorrow is gym day after I finish typing. Everybody have a good one.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Tammy....good to see you are feeling better and getting back active. That is great. Being sick is so yucky..... Say....where is your sister. I saw her introduce herself and nothing since. Let her know I was asking about her. I have been trying to get my x-step-daughter (long story) on here. She has joined WW and is doing well. Her third week in!!! ;)

    Well, I have done fairly well today. Didn't eat too bad (except the ice cream) and made it to curves. Then just finished up a 2 mile walk on our new stadium track. That is always nice. The wind is wicked again. I am sick of it. However it is at least warm enough to be outside. Finished under calories only because of the extra excercise. I do feel good about the excercise though.

    I have a meeting in the morning in Pueblo, and then have a new employee starting in the afternoon! Should be a full day of all kinds of stuff.

    Well....I am off to relax for the evening! Everyone have a great one!

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Rode my bike at noon hour yesterday - didn't want to but felt good after. Training for the 17 k charity bike a thon on May 8 with another girl at work. I am keeping my challenge and haven't eaten after 8 pm. I am down a pound today. Just can't let Friday night and Saturday ruin my progress.

    susan (smwert)
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Tammy....good to see you are feeling better and getting back active. That is great. Being sick is so yucky..... Say....where is your sister. I saw her introduce herself and nothing since. Let her know I was asking about her. I have been trying to get my x-step-daughter (long story) on here. She has joined WW and is doing well. Her third week in!!! ;)

    Well, I have done fairly well today. Didn't eat too bad (except the ice cream) and made it to curves. Then just finished up a 2 mile walk on our new stadium track. That is always nice. The wind is wicked again. I am sick of it. However it is at least warm enough to be outside. Finished under calories only because of the extra excercise. I do feel good about the excercise though.

    I have a meeting in the morning in Pueblo, and then have a new employee starting in the afternoon! Should be a full day of all kinds of stuff.

    Well....I am off to relax for the evening! Everyone have a great one!


    She hasn't posted anything else. I'll let her know you asked about her, thanks. I think she is just getting used to the site. Great job on the extra exercise.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Rode my bike at noon hour yesterday - didn't want to but felt good after. Training for the 17 k charity bike a thon on May 8 with another girl at work. I am keeping my challenge and haven't eaten after 8 pm. I am down a pound today. Just can't let Friday night and Saturday ruin my progress.

    susan (smwert)

    Great job!!
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