Trying to lose 15 pounds!

Hello everyone! I'm new here... I'm a mommy of two beautiful little girls and have been struggling with weight gain ever since I had my second girl. I'm 5'2 and currently weight 152.2 pounds...about 2 weeks ago I started exercising and lost about 3lbs of weight (which I'm assuming was water weight). My husband loves my curvy body, but I do have a belly. That's the main thing I'm trying to lose. I have been doing a combo of exercise bike for 45 mins (which burns 500 cals) and doing the Wii game "Just Dance". I get discouraged at times because of my belly and I guess I'm expecting immediate results. I keep telling myself I think I can, I think I can...and I know I will, it's just staying motivated and determined.


  • antdogs
    antdogs Posts: 191 Member
    hiii.. yeah its hard im 6'5 and i was at 310 pounds now im at 282. my advice is just keep being motivated. i sweat at times i felt like nothing was working i ate healthy i was in the gym doing cardio for 2 hours but then it all started melting off. my stomach went down all started to get better. yeah it takes time i was expecting immediate results too.. you can do it! you can add me if you like!
  • It is difficult. I've been at this since January and I have only lost 6 or 7 lbs. That being said, I'm happy, healthier, and I feel better. I've started running,and I'm doing a 5K in May. I enjoy going to the gym and working out.
    It is HARD to stick with it when you aren't seeing very many results outside, but you are changing inside and that will start to show after a while.

    Keep up the good work!
  • qcindy87
    qcindy87 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me! We can motivate each other since we have similar goals. I also started three weeks ago at about 151 pounds and have lost around 3 pounds. I also want to loose 10-15 pounds within the next two months.

    It is tough, but as mentioned by other people, I feel great now that I am eating better and going to the gym often. Sadly belly weight the toughest to loose and you can't spot reduce your body. We will have to loose overall weight for it to affect our belly's.

    Summer time... here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    Keep at it. It's a slower process when you don't have a lot of weight to lose. When I started, I figured the weight would come off at a couple pounds a week. Now I've resigned myself to 0.5lb a week, slow and steady,
  • oneallmama
    oneallmama Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks for all the responses! If you all don't mind, I'd like to add you all as friends so we can encourage eachother through this journey... Is it just me or does it seem like after women have kids their metabolism crashes? When I was in high school I weight 99 pounds even...and after I had my kids I blew up to 155 pounds. Wow!
  • oneallmama
    oneallmama Posts: 108 Member
    I forgot to mention about 2 years ago, my youngest daughter was diagnosed with Mitochondrial Disease in her heart. There is no cure and was put on Hospice care for a year. They then discharged her from Hospice saying that she was going to survive for now. During that time, depression had gotten the best of me, and I think thats one of the contributing factors for some of my weight gain. She's doing great now after surviving a stroke and 3 heart surgeries. It seems since she's been doing good that I've gotten the confidence to better my body not only for me, but for her as well. I have to stay healthy so I can take care of her. :)
  • Hi, feel free to add me too , I need all the motivation I can get :) I'm just starting out at 144lbs and hoping to lose 11lb, should be 17lb to get me to pre-preg weight. I too have 2 kids, the second baby born 7months ago and the weight has been much harder to lose this time!
    Good luck :)
  • I forgot to mention about 2 years ago, my youngest daughter was diagnosed with Mitochondrial Disease in her heart. There is no cure and was put on Hospice care for a year. They then discharged her from Hospice saying that she was going to survive for now. During that time, depression had gotten the best of me, and I think thats one of the contributing factors for some of my weight gain. She's doing great now after surviving a stroke and 3 heart surgeries. It seems since she's been doing good that I've gotten the confidence to better my body not only for me, but for her as well. I have to stay healthy so I can take care of her. :)

    wow youve been through alot! I'm glad she's doing well now, what a little fighter!
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    Stay with it. Sometimes it takes awhile for the pounds, but be sure to measure, as it is fun to watch the inches melt away. Prayers for your daughter.