Binge eater w/ 100+ to lose & trying to eat Gluten free



  • Teeny_82
    Teeny_82 Posts: 4
    I have Crohns and need to eat gluten free. ITS NOT EASY!! Im struggling as well!!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    can't really offer much gf advice since i don't have an intollerance, but the binge eating i understand. eda has in person meetings, phone and online meetings for support if you are interested in that
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'm not celiac, but I have food intolerances. I'm gluten, egg, red meat and dairy free. The best part about that is that there are very few processed foods that don't have at least one of those ingredients, therefore I'm forced to cook most everything from scratch. It's a very healthy way to live, albeit inconvenient, and it has pretty much cleared up my formerly debilitating digestive problems.

    I personally think that going gluten free is really easy. There are so many alternatives (my favorite food is pasta) and you can even mill your own flours out of safe whole grains and do a little baking. Normal bread is a little hard to replicate, but it was never that big a part of my life to begin with. I don't really miss gluten at all. The thing I miss is cheese (my other favorite food). There are plenty of good milk substitutes, but there is just is no good substitute for cheese. :sad:
  • TorontoFoodist
    TorontoFoodist Posts: 16 Member
    I'm gluten-free for 25+ years, yes it's hard but just remember 25 years ago when noone understood it at all and your food options were zero-zilch-nada! Luckily (?) (if it can be 'lucky') there's a lot more understanding of the problem now. Plus there's a tonne of stuff now, gluten-free breads, pasta, gluten-free baking ingredients, you name it. Also remember basic foods are gluten-free... yes a lettuce could have wheat secretly spread all over it, but I've never it found it yet in 25+ years. So carrots, potato, meat, poultry, fish, etc, all the staples are essentially 'gluten-free'. Sadly a lot of junk (like my achilles' heel, coca-cola) are as well.

    Just stick to basics, I tend to cook a bunch of things like soup, stews, chili, etc, and then hang onto them / freeze them for when needed.

    I don't understand though, are you saying you haven't yet confirmed whether you have DH / Celiac? In my case they ran a scope down my stomch and took a 'pinch' of my intestine and tested it at a laboratory. Guessing isn't going to help with this one, you probably should find out for certain....!
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    Just started a gluten-free diet and continuing a refined sugar diet. Got a lot to lose if you want to friend me. :flowerforyou: