5'6''ers- Inspire me PLEASE!!!

After initially starting out fairly well on here a year ago and losing 2stone, I now have massively fallen off the wagon. I'm (shamefully) writing this whilst eating chocolate biscuits.
I would reeeeeeeeeeeally like to see some before/during or before/after pictures, particularly people around my height (5'6'') to give me the boost to get back on track.
Thanks in advance :)


  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    Bumping this so more people see it.

    I may be sat here drinking cider and generally being a bit of a fatso but you saw me at my heaviest so you know that it can be done.


    You can do it beeb, you know you can x
  • lula2515
    lula2515 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank yoooooooooooooou! xxx (you look amazing)