Any volleyball players here?

sivankeren Posts: 105 Member
I only started this year, after being a basketball girl for ten years, and I'm loving it! I have practice about five times a week, and by the burn the day after I know it is also quite a workout...
I am the newest on my team, but being the tallest (5"11) I know I could help my team win, but I'm just not good enough yet... Does anybody have tips?

Plus, feel free to add me!


  • alishapotts15
    alishapotts15 Posts: 18 Member
    If you need tips feel free to add me, I'm a varsity player.
    Just dig as deep as possible and always anticipate that its coming to you.
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    I've played in adult leagues and officiate high school volleyball, I over see men's and women's clubs at the university I work at as well.

    Calisthenics and plyometrics are great for volleyball players because of the type of jumping needed and continuous movement in volleyball.

    Obtain a copy of P90X Plyometrics and it would be a great for you.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    It's funny.. I played while I was in the Army. Hard court so, I used to wear kneepads and they got pretty torn up after a while. I just tossed them in my sports box with all my other sports stuff. That was almost 20 years ago.
    A few months ago, I was complaining about my knee being all jacked up and, for whatever reason, my wife had my sports box out (spring cleaning?)
    She tossed me one of the pads and said to put it on.
    I xplained it wasn't a brace.
    Then I had to tell her how I used to play vollyball blah blah blah.
    She didn't believe me at all because she had never seen me play and, with the piss poor shape I am in now, she could not imagine me digging in for a hit.
    Made me even more determined to get back in shape so I can show her that I can still play.