New here - need help with Plateau!-and I Shred!

JudyQ Posts: 13 Member
I have been tracking for 5 months and have lost about 12 inches and 5 lbs. Not much and need more help. I have been kickboxing and got the Shred last week. I have done that twice and can keep up to her so far.

I am a 57 year old Canadian working woman. I really want to get this extra weight off so that I can be strong and disease free as I enter into the last portion of my journey.

I am committed to exercise and tracking everything, but I do love my wine on the weekends. I really hate to think I have to live on salad just because I am old!!

I Love to laugh, and don't take myself to seriously most days, but I do get down on me when I cannot seem to achieve this one goal I want so desperately....
