Hydroxycut, anyone?

PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I'm having a hard time dropping the last few pounds. And I mean, a REALLY hard time. I've tried harder intensity workouts, more food, less food, more cardio and nothing seems to be cutting the fat. I've seen some people suggest thermogenics to cut the last few pounds. Even Jillian Michaels now pushes her own brand of supposed fat burners. I already know all about the side effects, but I already have a pretty good tollerance to caffeine due to my regular coffee consumption. So, I'm wondering if anyone has tried something like Hydroxycut and if you got the results you were looking for.

Thanks! :-)


  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    No, and no. Did you see the massive recall of the original Hydroxycut? Are you 100% confident that the second version won't wreck your body like the first one did?

    It's a huge gamble for the last few pounds...
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    I tried Hydroxycut a few months ago. After a week of being on a high better than any illegal drug ive tried in my younger years, I was rushed to the hospital with severe chest pains and gallbladder pains all caused by this drug. I still have pains occasionally from it. No diet pill is worth that. It just takes patients and hard work to lose the weight.
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    No, No, No, No, and No.

    That is pure evil. Try sitting in a very hot sauna or better yet, starving yourself for a week* is better than taking that stuff.

    *I do not recommend starving yourself for a week.
  • I've used Hydroxycut and it has helped, but I've only used it in the beginning of my weight loss journey not at the end. Kind of like an extra boost.
  • feeny
    feeny Posts: 110 Member
    Yeah I wouldn't.

    But if you're looking for an all natural supplement to help boost your weight loss you could try Kelp Pills. I've been taking them for around a month and I think they've really been helping.

    You can find them at any health food store. The Place I go to is called Harvest House, but you could probably get them at a whole foods or something like that too. I got a bottle of 100 capsules for around 9 or 10 dollars.
  • votrubem
    votrubem Posts: 27
    Do not do Hydroxycut, all it does is dehydrate you and make you go through water faster so you have to chug more. It'd be more effective to take antioxidants or a colon cleanse pill.

    I am doing the Jillian Michaels pills right now, and I do like them. When I take them I sweat A LOT more. I know what you sweat out is only water weight, but I also do know that the hotter you are the harder your body works to cool you down, so what I'm guessing is that the pills aren't some miracle cure, but they are a good supplement. That is just my opinion, though.
  • GenBB
    GenBB Posts: 23 Member
    i've used it several times in my life - a couple of times it helped to boost the weight loss (got a lot results in a short time), some times it didn't do anything but waste my money......... problem is years later - dr tells me i have a fatty liver, which if ignored can be deadly - taking the fat loss pills could have contributed to it but it's hard to pin point - but rapid weight loss can also be a contributor to the fatty liver - so all i'm saying is - in my opinion, if i could go back in time - i would not take any weight loss pills - eating right and exercising looks like the best to live a long, healthy life. i've lost 15 lbs in 3 months just by eating healthy & i know that i am more likely to keep this weight off then when i lost 15lbs in a month by using a fat burner & putting my health in danger. I'm sure there are lots of ppl on here who can help you lose the last few ;) good luck (and remember this is just my opinion)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I tried lipo 6x for 4 weeks which is similar to hydroxycut. Same calorie intake as before and same exercise regime. I did notice more sweating. No noticable fat loss. I was at 14% BF at the start and also at the end. Not worth it IMO. Best thing about the tablets was if I wanted to stay awake for ages :P
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