Not really new to MFP but never been on the message board

I finally started taking my health serious..I cut out drinking (one of my biggest downfalls) and I've actually started going to the gym. I had my ACL replaced in August 2012 and I've just been nursing it for way too long. I started going to the gym last week and haven't missed a day since (well, weekends not included). I also have started to clean up my diet cutting out fried foods, empty carbs and processed junk. I am hoping to meet some people around my age who have or want to lose around 30lbs. I will be honest I haven't been trying to lose I just diet here and there but honestly it's a lifestyle change. I had an epiphany a few weeks ago as I was drinking some nasty body by vi tasted disgusting and I couldn't believe how damn lazy I had become to depend on a shake to help me lose when all I had to do is eat clean and get my lazy butt moving. I don't know..I guess I'm just here now to meet like minded females who will share their experience with weight loss and help motivate me. Anyone from the Dallas area? Looking to maybe register for a few local races to help keep me motivated. About me:

64 inches
mother to two boys 1 & 5yrs old
7yrs and counting in the military (Army) HOOAH! (you'd think I'd be in shape, huh?)
Goal is to weigh what I weighed before my kids..130s

Thanks for reading! :happy: