Desk workout?

SraArroz Posts: 238
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
So, I sit at a desk all day... boring.... LOL. A lot of the time I'm on the phone waiting on hold to speak with a company representative. Do you guys have any ideas for activities to do at my desk to burn a few calories and to keep from snacking on food? I started doing jumping jacks, knee lifts, twisty-toe-touches, and calf raises while I'm at the fax machine waiting for my fax to go through, but what more can I do while sitting at my desk? Thanks for your suggestions!! :bigsmile:


  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Add parking far and taking only stairs.
  • I heard the other day if you work a desk job it's good to buy one of those big ball things (lol have no clue what they're called) to sit on instead of a chair. But I didn't pay attention to what was so beneficial about it. Not very helpful maybe, but thought I would throw it out there. :wink:
  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 207 Member
    I had this same post on Saturday I believe. One suggestion was to get a floor pedal bike. One that you only use for your feet to go under your desk. That would at least give you a leg workout. I also sit stationary and do twists (upper body from side to side while bottom half stays stationary) Don't know how much that is doing for me, but it has to be burning more than just sitting there. Also make trips around your office if you can. Make excuses to get up from your desk.
    So, I sit at a desk all day... boring.... LOL. A lot of the time I'm on the phone waiting on hold to speak with a company representative. Do you guys have any ideas for activities to do at my desk to burn a few calories and to keep from snacking on food? I started doing jumping jacks, knee lifts, twisty-toe-touches, and calf raises while I'm at the fax machine waiting for my fax to go through, but what more can I do while sitting at my desk? Thanks for your suggestions!! :bigsmile:
  • bbblue92
    bbblue92 Posts: 108 Member
    Hmm, howabout the portable little bikey thing that you can peddle on while sitting stationary at your desk? First thing that came into my mind, don't know how much those things cost . . . or some three pound weights to do arms while you are on the phone on hold?? Just some random thoughts . . .
  • MyKidzMom
    MyKidzMom Posts: 97
    I brought my 5lb weights with me today and have sent an email about bringing my exercise ball to sit on but no one has answered me back. I hear that sitting on this all day instead of the chair strenghtens your core. That's also a great idea about the pedal thing. You could also maybe bring stretch bands or a medicine ball to work out your arms.
  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    Spark People website had a great 15 minute desk workout that my friend forwarded to me!
  • I heard the other day if you work a desk job it's good to buy one of those big ball things (lol have no clue what they're called) to sit on instead of a chair. But I didn't pay attention to what was so beneficial about it. Not very helpful maybe, but thought I would throw it out there. :wink:

    When I was pregnant with my last baby, we did everything natural including giving birth to him in our home in the bath tub with a mid-wife. We bought an exercise ball because we wanted to use it while I was laboring. Then we read somewhere that sitting on that ball instead of a chair is a good form of strengthening and exercise. I was a stay at home Navy wife carrying a 9 lb 12 oz baby and I was very uncomfortable. I spent all my time surfing the web while my husband was at work and I just never got any exercise in. So finally my husband replaced the chair at our computer desk with the ball. I don't know if it was just because I had an almost 10 pound human that I was carrying around or what but I did feel the difference. It forces you to sit up straight and kind of tighten everything!
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    I don't work in an office I work at home, but I sit on a body ball all the time now instead of a chair. It does help a little with core strength. I really notice it if I try to balance on it while writing e-mail, doing facebook, or MFP. This was suggested on Biggest Loser about a month or so ago by Bob on Trainers Tips. I have been doing it ever since! You might get some strange looks if you bring it into your office though! :wink:
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    Thanks for the suggestions! I think my MFP is messed up b/c my original post is in the middle of the thread... hmmm.. anybody else having those issues? :embarassed:
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