Newbie :)



  • Welcome Kelly! ♥ This place is awesome. I've had nothing short of amazing support on the forums and from friends on here. This site is amazing. I hope you enjoy your stay here. ^_^

    Thank you Jess(: I have had so much support too, I was gonna give up early hours of this morning because I felt some people were judging me.
  • Good morning. I read what you wrote and I know we can all help in many differnet ways. Feel free to add me and i will do my best to help you as I would anyone who needs it. Its what I love doing and that is why i am here on MFP. David

    Thank you David, I will add you :) congratulations on your weight loss so far:)
  • Hi My Name is Mary, just started on here thinking that maybe if I put it on here it would help me keep better track and maybe motivate me to do something about it. I never really started gaining weight that much until after I had kids and have had various health problems and now no matter what I try the weight either increases or I dont lose anything, so frustrating! Hope everyone is doing good out there. :)
  • Hi My Name is Mary, just started on here thinking that maybe if I put it on here it would help me keep better track and maybe motivate me to do something about it. I never really started gaining weight that much until after I had kids and have had various health problems and now no matter what I try the weight either increases or I dont lose anything, so frustrating! Hope everyone is doing good out there. :)

    Hi Mary (: I have kidney problems - one of my kidney's doesn't work and the other one is working at 30% so I get really tired easy but I love working out now! :) good luck with your weight loss! :)
  • Hi! My name is Kim, I started 5 days ago. I just feel so unhappy with myself and I am afraid to tell anyone. I am married with an 8 year old daughter and I can't even talk to them about it :( I think I am finally ready to make a change, I just invested in the Treadclimber and I ordered the bodymedia. Maybe having new friends that are having the same issues will make this easier, I hope :wink: Thanks for reading, add me if you want.
  • Hi! My name is Kim, I started 5 days ago. I just feel so unhappy with myself and I am afraid to tell anyone. I am married with an 8 year old daughter and I can't even talk to them about it :( I think I am finally ready to make a change, I just invested in the Treadclimber and I ordered the bodymedia. Maybe having new friends that are having the same issues will make this easier, I hope :wink: Thanks for reading, add me if you want.

    Good luck Kim, we are all behind you! You can do this:)
  • cherylatkwechanged
    cherylatkwechanged Posts: 479 Member
    This site is truelly amazing, this is the first time I have ever lost any serious weight and stuck to it.

    If I can be any support/friend/help please free to add
  • I weight myself everyday nude before I take my shower. I feel that I can see tone in a few places, and I definitely notice when I've lost or gained about 2 lbs depending on how defined the pouch of fat on my belly looks before I step on. I have had amazing results with my legs, but I fear that I've messed that up for the past two days. I ...ate...way too much. And I'm kind've hating myself for it now.
  • sipe70
    sipe70 Posts: 16
    would love to connect to encourage and get some positive vibes
  • NikinCilla
    NikinCilla Posts: 129 Member
    Hey, Im a newbie to have been up here for 5-6days now and just this week have managed to control my food intake with a few sneaky here but so much better then week before and managed 3x 30min walks slow but its a walk. Im same weight as you. I have dont it before so I know you & I can do it!!! With the support of everyone up here we can get there. You can add me too!!! :)
  • TorontoFoodist
    TorontoFoodist Posts: 16 Member
    I'm new as well and have only been here a few days. I'm finding just tracking the horrible stuff I eat really helps a lot. The more you 'account' for what you consume the scarier it is to me, since I can actually 'see' how much junk I'm scarfing down...! I guess it's all about personal accountability, and hey it seems to work, there's a lot of success stories here.
  • Hiya guys:) good luck with your weight loss - I ate a chinese last night and I'm paying for it today! Very sore:( I didn't realise how greasy the food was lol! Big mistake but that's me back at my weight I had lost - the 2 lbs :) yaay! :)
  • Hi Kelly, Im new here too. while I am not in any position to talk about being fat I have put on what I feel is a lot of weight for my height (or lack there of). Im 5 ft and have gained 13lbs since July. I dont care so much about being the skinny girl as fitting into my regular clothes and feeling like myself again. I think if you work at it you wont have to be "skinny" but just lose enough weight to be healthy and happy at the same time. Ill try and motivate you and you can do the same for me! I made my skinny photo my profile pic to motivate myself.
  • angless21
    angless21 Posts: 54 Member
    Am have a hard time losting weigh. I work out like 4 days a week for about 20 mintues. Am 5' 3" and weight 227 pounds right now would love to be under 200 pounds. I could use some help.
  • Hi Kelly, Im new here too. while I am not in any position to talk about being fat I have put on what I feel is a lot of weight for my height (or lack there of). Im 5 ft and have gained 13lbs since July. I dont care so much about being the skinny girl as fitting into my regular clothes and feeling like myself again. I think if you work at it you wont have to be "skinny" but just lose enough weight to be healthy and happy at the same time. Ill try and motivate you and you can do the same for me! I made my skinny photo my profile pic to motivate myself.

    Yes that's very true, I used to be skinny when I was young but then I just got bigger and bigger, so would love to be skinny ish :) but not skinny so you can see my bones and stuff but like you said, to be healthy and happy:) good luck with your weight loss:)
  • Am have a hard time losting weigh. I work out like 4 days a week for about 20 mintues. Am 5' 3" and weight 227 pounds right now would love to be under 200 pounds. I could use some help.

    I work out everyday ( well try too ) for 20 minutes, I do a home DVD work out, really great and gets you sweating :) just keep at it and you will see changes, my weight is all over the place!:( good luck! - I'm here if you need someone to speak too.
  • gmms57
    gmms57 Posts: 23 Member
    I've heard it many times, if you skip meals your body holds on to the fat to protect from starvation. Also breakfast is very important.
    Love Scotland, my sil is from the Hebrides, I'm from Ireland.
  • I'm never up in time for breakfast - sometimes I do eat toast if I'm up and hungry but normally just pass breakfast and lunch:L
  • kimmym0324
    kimmym0324 Posts: 63 Member
    Hey!! You can add me if you want!
  • Hey I'm here for u I'm looking at losing 60 pounds and so far I'm down 2 pounds already and walking about 1 hour everyday and lately I've been able to go almost 4 miles on every walk please feel free to add me as a friend