How to handle 15 nights on a cruise ship.

I have lost 16 lbs in 7 weeks by maintaining a 1200 cal diet , treadmill 5 times /week , PGX fiber before each meal , and drinking 2 liters of water /day. I'm going on a 15 night cruise next week and am very worried about gaining weight. Any tips on meals etc ?


  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Just enjoy the trip and try not to worry too much about it.

    If you are terrified of ruining all of your progress, maybe eat right one day and let yourself go the next.

    Make smart meal choices and keep the water intake up.

    You're not going to make too much of dent in your progress anyway, so if you get back on track when you return, don't sweat it.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Keep doing what you're doing then and don't take a break from your diet.
  • wannabe1959
    wannabe1959 Posts: 80 Member
    Yes, I would be worried. Most ships have a gym. and a walking track. I went on a cruise and saw the walking track once and never saw the gym. I gained 4 lbs. I was a little distraught about it, but you are on vacation. Dont beat yourself up if you gain a few pounds back. Enjoy the cruise. I think it is the best vacation ever! Then... when you get home..... get right back on track.
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I went on a 2 week cruise last year.....went on treadmill several times & also walked round the deck regularly. Ate all sorts, healthy and otherwise, and had a great time. Gained 7lbs :embarassed: Holidays are to be enjoyed, not for fretting about weight and food intake. Have a great time.....relax and get back on it when you get home.

    I've lost 20lbs in the 5 months since we've been back.....

  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    lock yourself in your cabin. live on crackers and water. hope the voyage ends as soon as possible...


    ...enjoy yourself! it's a VACATION!!! log what you can. estimate what you can. weigh yourself before going and after returning and then get back on track immediately when you get home and focus on losing those few new lbs you may have put on during the cruise.
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    We take two cruises each year and I just enjoy everyday on them! Yes, I gain 4-5 lbs while on them and then come home jump right back on track to lose them! It's vacation, please enjoy it!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Keep working out while you are on the cruise and try to eat well. whenever I go on vacation/business trip I make sure that I bring work out gear with me and make sure that I work out. I may not be able to get my normal routine in, but I feel as long as I am doing something then I will be OK.
  • Eat2Win
    Eat2Win Posts: 123 Member
    The beautiful part about cruise ships is that they offer such a wide variety of everything and it's all done up for you.
    Each meal always has vast choices and if you can be strong enough to take a small amount to enjoy and go for the
    lighter fare (there are always lighter fares or lower cal choices on menus) you will be fine.
    Also, all the cruise ships I have been on highly support wellbeing with spas, health classes and beautiful gyms.
    If you want to stay tuned to MFP there are computer cafe's to log in too so if this would help you, it's all there for you.
    Last Fall was my last cruise and I did it all and gained 8 lbs, but by the end of a week after my return I lost 5 of them simply because
    it was all I never eat, except let myself enjoy, so either way you should be fine............enjoy and return to normal and loose,
    or just be smart on the cruise if possible, but be sure to still enjoy, it is vacation, and keep loosing.

    Where ever your going, 15 nights is longest was 12 nights I believe. Loved it all :)
  • charmainewinter
    LOts of water, fill up your plate with salads/low cal foods. Use the walking track or gym every day. take the stairs instead of the elevator (bonus: will probably be faster :) anyways). Dont beat yourself up over a gain. Enjoy your trip!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    I couldn't do it, living on a ship is like living in a hotel lobby. Nothing to do but eat. just kidding.:smile:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    The best part of any cruise is often the food. Luckily most often have pretty decent gyms too.

    Treat yourself and enjoy. Then punish yourself at the gym. Repeat throughout the trip.

    Or you'll get seasick and neither will matter. Be sure to take some anti-nausea meds.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    maybe plan to eat two healthy meals and just have fun with the third every day. (though healthy can be fun too) vary which meal is your fun one every day. after all what is the point of a holiday on a cruise if you dont get to enjoy a big part of it.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I would just enjoy the trip. If it were me, I would still eat, but cut back on portion size so I could try a little of everything. I would hit the gym if there is one on the ship for a half hour or so. I would also do the more active activities. If I came back 5lbs heavier, I wouldn't sweat it. I would just get back on track when I got back home. Have fun.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Eat whatever and exercise. This is a vacation and most of the time the food is not going to be healthy but try your best to offset it.
  • reachingforthemoon
    Just enjoy it, two years ago before sorting myself out my daughter and I did a cruise and I didn't think once about the calories I consumed, I needed a seat belt extension on the plane on the way out and on the way back automatically asked for one, didn't need it. I spend much of the cruise running round the ship with my daughter and pounding pavements on excursions only thing I craved was melon and water. Mind you it was a Disney Cruise and I lost 8 lbs.

    Note to self do that again to give yourself a boost :)
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    I cruise quite a bit and here's what I found was useful....

    1) Avoid most buffets. Instead, eat in a "sit down" restaurant whenever possible.
    2) When you're sitting out on deck, choose a seat as far from the food as possible.
    3) Work out in the gym
    4) At dinner, stick to one appetizer, one entree and one dessert, rather than unlimited portions of everything.
    5) Go easy on the booze! You wouldn't believe the amount of calories that you will save this way. Substitute sparkling water when you can. Limit to one drink/day.
    7) Most cruise ships will deliver a continental breakfast to your room. I order a piece of fruit and some cereal, along with some tear and maybe a piece of toast (just like I would do at home) This really curbed calorie intake, and was well satisfied until lunch. A side benefit is that it's a relaxing way to start the day and I'm not rushing around in the a.m. to get to breakfast. Where else can you get "breakfast in bed" anyway?

    Have fun!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    When I go on vacation, I always gain a good bit of weight, and then lose it all within the span of a couple weeks. Most of it will be water weight. You'd have to put aways some pretty hefty amounts of food to gain any real weight in a 2 week period. But eating ship food means lots of sodium, so water retention. That'll come off once you get back on routine.

    Just keep your notepad handy, use the wifi on the ship to use MFP's food database, and do the best you can. Find the gym, use it, and maybe book a couple of the active programs that are available.
  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member
    I can solve your problem, I am happy to go on the cruise for you so you can continue with your diet and healthy lifestyle!! I am willing to sacrifice my own weight loss plan and schedule for those 15 days so you don't have to suffer!!! Just send me your ticket, or preferably two, so my OH can come as well!
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    The buffets and booze are really the main source of worry on cruises. Just be smart about those and you should be fine. Try doing dinner and breakfast in the dining rooms and order off the menu because the portions are generally very sensible and they also flag the healthier options on the menu for people eating lighter.

    As far as exercise, walking around the ship is always good and the fitness centers are usually nice, especially on the bigger boats.