Yogurt Berry Crunch cereal (with added fibre)

I received this message from nutrition expert Joel Marion today and thought I'd share it:

"Cereal is, by and large, one of the worst foods for your waistline, and your health. There are of course a few rare exceptions (like some of the cereals in the Ezekiel 4:9® line from the good folks at Food for Life®) but when it comes to the "regular" boxes that stock the shelves of the cereal aisle at your local grocery store, it's generally all very, very bad news.

Perhaps what is most disturbing about so many brands of cereal is that they confuse the heck out of consumers by making them "sound" so healthy and nutritious, when in reality they are anything but.

For example, while at the grocery store today I came across a "Yogurt Berry Crunch" cereal (with added fiber!) from a popular brand.

It sure sounds healthy...

In fact, the label even makes claims like "heart healthy!" and points out that it contains "25 grams of whole grains". "Rich in antioxidants, vitamin C & E", too. Just add up all those health benefits!

But here's the truth:

This so-called "healthy" cereal contains FIFTY ONE ingredients, including not one, not two, not six, not seven, but TEN different sources of SUGAR.

It also contains SEVEN corn derived ingredients (very likely from genetically modified corn), including corn syrup and corn starch.

It's also loaded with inflammatory wheat ingredients and gluten, not to mention two of the worst damaged, denatured oils you can consume...canola oil and soybean oil.

Healthy? I don't think so!

Unfortunately, just about everything else in the cereal aisle is in the same boat as this disastrously unhealthy 51-ingredient nightmare.

Instead, try our alternative "Yogurt Berry Crunch" that only contains three 100% all-natural ingredients:

-Greek Yogurt
-Rolled Oats
-Fresh Berries

Combine and enjoy!"


  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Cereal is rubbish. Don't be fooled. Eat oats for breakfast or eggs. Both cheaper than cereal and much better overall.

    Sling the cereal.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Cereal is rubbish. Don't be fooled. Eat oats for breakfast or eggs. Both cheaper than cereal and much better overall.

    Sling the cereal.

    Totally agree.
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    And another totally agree! Makes me cross that kids are used in T.V. cereal ads and are targeted by them. It's a shame we're all too ready to believe sales lies but the sellers have the cash and power to brainwash and lobby. Sad.
  • LisaFieldsStafford
    I agree with a portion of what has been said here. I eat Paleo style and avoid grains of all kinds most of the time. Even oats are not the best choice. Here's an example of a low carb Granola recipe. http://mariahealth.blogspot.com/search?q=protein+granola+cereal&x=0&y=0 I have several of Maria's books and love preparing her recipes for my family.