6 WK Exercise and Nutrition Challenge - starts Saturday!

MFP Brides has opened their next challenge to be more inclusive! The obvious grooms and wedding party are included, but so are friends and family who know someone getting married. Support one another as we all get ready for the big day :)

We will be following a regular fitness routine and reporting our general meal plans each week to keep up with our goals of 10-15lbs off!

This is not for the faint of heart, so join the group and pick your poison:

Moderate Intensity Exercise Minimums (45 minutes a day = 4.5 hr/wk with 1 rest day)

180 MIN CARDIO [suggest 30 min 6 days/wk OR 3 hours 3 days/wk]
60 MIN STRENGTH TRAINING [suggest 20-min strength sessions 3 days/wk]
30 MIN ABS [suggest 10-min Ab circuits 3 days/wk OR 15-min 2 days/wk] - may add this time to strength session if cross training

High Intensity Exercise Minimums (90 minutes a day = 9 hr/wk with 1 rest day)

360 MIN CARDIO [suggest 60 min cardio 6 days/wk]
90 MIN STRENGTH TRAINING [suggest 30 minute strength sessions 3 days/wk]
45 MIN ABS [suggest 15 min sessions 3 days/wk] - may add this time to strength session if cross training
45 MIN STRETCH [suggest 15 min stretch sessions 3 days/wk OR 1 session of yoga]

**If you prefer 2 rest days/week, spread your minutes over your other days :)

PM me with your questions or add the group and read the posted guidelines.