30 day shred

What is the purpose of the 30 day shred? To loose weight, loose bf?

Do you even gain muscle or tone on it?

Surely HIIT and weight training is much more effective than this programme?


  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member
    Lose fat whilst toning.

    I am on day 7 Level 1 and I have seen a massive difference.

    My arms and thighs have more definition, my bum is rounder and my back is more toned.

    My endurance levels have definitely increased too.

    I would recommend it - but that's my personal experience; everybody's different.
  • stepgonz
    stepgonz Posts: 48 Member
    I have done the 30ds twice. I am currently doing it again. Just started level 2. The past couple of times I did it I only lost about 6 pounds BUT talk about toned up. I lost 4 inches off my waist and 3 off my hips and my arms actually had muscles lol I love the 30ds
  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    That's a good thread to see results.
    I think mostly its inches and stamina that it effects the most. People tend to lose weight the first time round but it slows dont the more times you do it (but that could just be as they didnt have so much to lose)