Week One is almost over - I'm loving it here at MFP and psyc

sassyray Posts: 30 Member
Hi Everyone! I'm new to MFP - I started last week Tuesday and tomorrow is my first weigh-in! I'm really psyched because I feel so much better in such a short time. When I first saw my calorie allotment, I freaked for a moment, but then I pulled out my handy-dandy food scale and started measuring and recording everything!! I was hungry the first few days, but now I'm not anymore. I've been reading through a lot of the wonderful words of inspiration these message boards and blogs contain and I can already tell that this site will be responsible for a big part of my future success!!


  • ltvernon
    ltvernon Posts: 2
    This is my first week too!! I have already forgot when I weigh in again but this site has by far been the best!! Good luck!!
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    This is a great site and it only gets better the more you use it. I had been tracking calories for about three years and the site I used didn't add calories and other nutritional information based upon extra calories burned from exercise. The result: I was undereating, grumpy, dizzy, discouraged and had only a little change. :mad: After switching to MFP where I can see the additional calories available with the associated changes to fat, carbs, sugers, etc I can eat more. Result: greater motivation, more physically fit, weight loss, better self esteem, no dizzy spells, much less grumpy and a positive attitude! :happy:

    And the support on here is great! Welcome aboard and look forward to some positive changes in your life! :drinker:
  • sassyray
    sassyray Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks guys! Good Luck to you too Itvernon - this site is the best! And Staps065, you're right about the site getting better the more you use it!