Lifting Weights and Losing Weight



  • mikejholmes
    mikejholmes Posts: 291 Member
    What lifting weight WILL do for you, is ensure that you are much less likely to lose muscle, and ONLY lose fat, instead of losing both, which is what would likely happen if you ate at a deficit and didn't lift.

    Ah - This made a light bulb go off! I have been doing both cardio and strength training since January 3rd. I am losing and had no worries that what I am doing is right for me but I keep reading on here that you can't gain muscle and lose weight at the same time and then reading that you should lift if you are trying to lose and I couldn't put two and two together. I kept thinking "then what is the point of lifting if I can't gain muscle?" This statement put it all in perspective - so glad I listened to my body and have kept up both :)

    Someone once said that eating at a deficit to lose weight is like not watering your garden to get rid of your weeds -- it'll work, but you'll lose your flowers as well. :noway: