Anyone ever heard of the 5:2 diet



  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Actually that's not true. 1200 calories on 'high' days would be way too low. I've worked out my maintenance calories based on my activity level and I need to eat 2200-2300 calories every day just to maintain my current weight. If I want to lose 1lb per week I need to eat 3500 calories less per week in order to do that so I've decided to eat 700 calories on my 'low' days and on each of the other days I can allow myself over 2000 calories.

    If I was eating 1200 on my high days I'd be way under what my body needs for the week and would end up skinny fat and believe me you don't want to be there, I've been there before and it's no better than being fat!